Some news from the past few days

I have seen some news extension which may be of interest for some. First could be YO Search (made by this is a new module which box reveals a drop down menu after the user clicks into the input field. The menu is meant to act as a filter with several checkbox options that allow the user to select specific categories for his search. When the user hovers out of the input or the filter box, the drop down will disappear.

IBM Launches Maqetta HTML5 Tool as Open-Source

A tool called Maqetta is the result of discussions among more than 120 companies are members of OpenAjax Alliance, an industry alliance involved in the development of programming techniques based on Ajax. Maqetta is an open-source project that provides WYSIWYG visual authoring of HTML5 user interfaces using drag-and-drop assembly, and supports both desktop and mobile user interfaces.

Ecology and Joomla!

I wanted to bulid an Ecology website. Worthy idea, worse with the implementation of this type of project. Finding the right template is not a problem, much harder to find the extension (eg modules) that are related to ecology, in addition to displaying the weather.

Android Apps for Webmaster

In the case of you are a Webmaster, a programmer, web designer there are times of day that you have to use your smartphone as a replacement to a desktop or even laptop. The Android marketplace features lot’s of great and useful apps for everyone, therefore not having the iPhone/iPad doesn’t have to feel worse. There is some of them.

Remember to touch me before…

Almost all smartphones since last 2-3 years have (better or worst) touchscreen interfaces, from not so long on the market are available laptops and PCs AIO e.g. from MSI, who have this type of touch screens. Only by working on these devices we can see the difference between comfort of using. For this reason, finger-based touch screens will not be restricted only to smart phones over the next few years.

JomSocial 2.2 – positive surprise for us

JomSocial 2.2 is almost ready, since Mar 11 20011 is available a version 2.2 RC1. Changes are few, one of the most important, however, remain a possibility to install in Joomla! 1.6. See what changes to the extension developer is preparing for the next version.

Convert Adobe Flash FLA files into HTML5

Two days ago Adobe Systems demonstrated the first time its an experimental technology Wallaby. It enables specialists in Flash to convert their projects artwork and animation contained in Adobe® Flash® Professional (FLA) files into packages HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, which will operate the device without Flash support – in practice it is all about Apple’s mobile devices, like the iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches.

Convert Adobe Flash FLA files into HTML5

Over 7 thousand extensions on JED

Since yesterday, the number of available JED (Joomla! Extensions Directory) extensions again crossed another thousand, and thus we have 7036 of them. In this nearly 900 are already compatible with Joomla! 1.6, which is over 10% of the total, looking at the statistics, this number is growing rapidly.

The popularity of Joomla! in Poland

As announced, a few days ago one of the largest domain and hosting companies in Poland, Joomla! is the most frequently used (over 43%) content management systems. At the incredible popularity was (and still is) the impact of a number of reasons.

JomSocial for Joomla – the way of change

First of all, programmers from Azurl have released an update to JomSocial 1.6, JomSocial 1.8 and JomSocial 2.0 to address a security issue found recently. This patch addresses an issue where attackers might be able to execute arbitrary Javascripts (XSS Injection). That’s why I also recommend to apply the patch immediately.