On Saturday and Sunday, 22 September and 23 September 2012 will be the first Polish Joomla! Days . Dozens of users of Joomla developers and professionals will come to Poznan (Poland), to share their knowledge and experiences.
What to ask when a customer wants to have a new website?
I always thought that the hardest part of creating a website is a process of design. But I was wrong.
Primetime – a solution for placing ads in video content from Adobe
At the conference, IAB Annual Leadership Summit and at the Mobile World Congress Adobe presented a solution to the working codename Project Primetime to publish video content and placement of their ads on different platforms.
Adobe Photoshop CS6 soon expected
That’s right. PhotoShop CS6 is already in advanced testing stage. You’ll get a new version from Adobe Suite PhotoShop for image editing, the version CS6, not even a year after the last version.
Google and privacy policy in Internet Explorer
Shortly after it was revealed that Google uses a means to circumvent privacy protections in the Safari Web browser, Microsoft revealed that the Mountain View, California company has a similar practice in place with Internet Explorer (IE). Does this mean an end to privacy to consumers and internet users, and the start of total surveillance over all we do?
JoomFish 2.2 in this week, and for Joomla 2.5 very soon
If anyone believed that the new language features introduced in Joomla! 1.6 will finish Joom!Fish component was very, very wrong. Prove it can be an example Falang (faboba.com) which is a fork of Joomfish 2.1.7 which has been re-written to be compatible with Joomla! 1.7.
What is the cost of CMS administration – like Joomla?
This question returns like a boomerang and appears at various meetings or training courses, where young adepts Joomla or other CMS simply ask: How much should I expect for this service. Well, the answer to this question is not so simple because of the price consists of several elements.
Dart – The alternative to JavaScript by Google
JavaScript is one of the most widely used scripting languages on the Internet, as can offer the interactivity that is needed for viewing Web content as it is processed by the user’s browser. Moreover, it is an event-driven language which allows certain code to associate a certain action of the client.
Design from the small in the direction of big screen
I think that because of the number of smartphones, and tablets on the market, it is worth, you started to implement a strategy “mobile first”.
JPEGmini – JPG on a diet
JPEGmini is a patent-pending photo recompression technology, which significantly reduces the size of photographs without affecting their perceptual quality. It can reduce the size of photos up to five times while maintaining its quality and resolution.