Websites are getting heavier, with more features, more flashy CSS effects and more content. In this article we look at how you can define critical CSS to make your site’s core CSS and styling load as quickly as possible, giving users the best balance between impressive style and faster access to your site.
HTTP2 – the future of the web is almost here
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. So goes the old adage, but just because something is working well doesn’t mean it can’t be improved, and the HTTP protocol our browsers currently use is in major need of an overhaul. With version 1.1 in use for more than 15 years, we’re finally looking at a brand new HTTP2 protocol that will help websites load faster and more smoothly than ever before. In this article we’ll cover the history of HTTP, and discuss some of the amazing new changes HTTP2 will bring.
Check if your website is mobile friendly
Since we live in the era of smartphones and mobile devices, our websites should also adjust to the new trends. In this article I will show you how important is to have your website responsive and what surprise google prepared for those who don’t have their websites mobile friendly.
The Best Sublime Text Extensions and Themes Part 2
In this second part of our look at Sublime Text, we check out some themes and color schemes as well as additional extensions that will help you save valuable time during development.
Share your GavickPro theme-based websites with us!
We’re looking for the best websites our users have made based on our templates and themes for a regular customer site showcase. Read on and find out how to do it!
The best Sublime extensions for front-end and back-end Joomla! or WordPress development
As developers, we want to keep our development environment smooth and efficient. For that we rely on Sublime Text, a fast, extendible editor with a multitude of features. In this article, we’ll look at some of the most popular extensions for it that we use on a daily basis.
No Captcha; the new, user-friendly reCaptcha
If you’ve done pretty much anything online, you’ve suffered through the often incoherent mess of a reCaptcha in the past. It’s frustrating, time-consuming and user-unfriendly, but thankfully Google are looking to make things better with noCaptcha. Read on, and find out how!
The next step in making our themes the best on the net
We’ve already detailed the improvements we’re making to our WordPress themes to make them user-friendly, as well as our documentation. But we’re still not done; read on and learn how we’re making our WordPress and Joomla templates better than ever before.
Why mixing Joomla and Bootstrap may not be a great idea
After the huge buzz around Bootstrap support in Joomla 3.0 it’s time to take a step back and consider whether the decision to use this framework in Joomla has more cons than pros.
A look at how we’re improving our WordPress themes and documentation
We’ve been releasing WordPress themes for 2 years now, and over time we’ve gathered some more knowledge on what our WordPress customers want from their themes and documentation. In this article we’ll layout our new plans for our WordPress themes, and introduce our new documentation style that’s perfect for beginners