Can be written on knee, but must work

The specificity of technology start-ups makes it important to quickly launch the first version of the product (or service) with the basic functionality. Later with the development of new functionalities can be added and expand the existing or resign from the present. The first, the basic product is a MVP (minimum viable product).

Can be written on knee, but must work This is an initial version of your idea which will allow you to get answers for the basic question: “Is this a viable business?”. It has only those functions that are required to deliver even the minimum value of only one type of customer – the so-called “early adopters”. This group of people who are ready to test almost any product. They will adopt your technology and give you honest feedback – no they don’t mind the bugs and mistakes.

Traditional application development approach is “to maximize the chance of success”, which usually expresses itself through the creation of products with a mass of features designed from the outset to satisfy the user. Creating a product in this way takes time and costs a lot.

During the design, especially if the team does, often, the temptation to implement “one more sensational features”in the first version of the product. The challenge is to resist this temptation. You can do this consistently, keeping to the method of “Razor” or “Kisses”.

Occam’s Razor – the principle according to which the explanation of the phenomenon should be as simple as possible. Clarification of the problem has to be based on as few assumptions and concepts. This means that your argument should be comprehensible to the ordinary user with a basic education which does not have idea about IT. KISS – the principle which must prevail at each stage of product presentation, company, idea, etc..This is short from “Keep It Small and Simple” (or Keep It Simple and Sloppy).

MVP concept stems from the philosophy of Lean Startup, called the attempt a scientific approach to business. Eric Ries says that in the initial stage of business the biggest risk is not whether the product will be good enough to meet all your needs, but whether there is a need for this product. Therefore, we should as soon as possible to receive from the market (Internet users) feedback. MVP is intended to protect against the development of software and services that no one will want to use.

Champion of this approach to building products is Zynga – one of the largest companies in the computer gaming industry, a company that is behind the success of titles such as FarmVille and CitiVille.

MVP is experimenting, learning and drawing conclusions. This is a regime that allows a more rational approach to starting up new ideas. The regime is not always compatible with momentary desires or intuition, but the greatest experience shows that it is worth it to use.

What gives us the MVP?

  • Motivates us to do the right things at the right time (so as not to prevent the waste of resources).
  • Forces of us continuing our business concept verification and collection of an appropriate amount of feedback.
  • Allows us to focus on what’s important from the standpoint of startupu start until later that all the extra stuff can wait.
  • Also saves money – you follow the direction that the market expects.

Remember that when you do not know who it really is a client, it is difficult to determine the extent of the functionality of the first version.Therefore, defining the various problems that the product is to solve, we immediately assign them to specific groups of customers. If the creation of Lean Canvas seen that written on the problems of different groups of customers, to better distribute them on different business models and address the group in which the chances of success are greatest.

Good luck in creating a minimalist solutions!

This article was first published January 4th, 2012