Butterfly on K2

Some days ago I started to read a new book “Joomla! 1.5 Cookbook” (from packtpub.com) written by Tom Canavan. After reviewing a few pages, I was going to put it down when I came to Chapter 7: Managing Articles Using the Content Construction Kit K2.

Great, so was it really the first “book” of this component? I took a memory to last a few read books and, in fact, in none there was so much space devoted to this extension.

Butterfly on K2

Perhaps someone will ask why I write about this particular book, there are two reasons. The first already mentioned and the fact that we also use often this powerful component. K2 provides you an integrated solution that features rich content forms – extending the basic article. This is a new kind of article with additional fields that can contain the article images, videos, image galleries (using JoomlaWorks “Simple Image Gallery PRO” plugin) or even attachments. Add nested-level categories and list tags to that, and you have a very powerful system. By the way, we use K2 when we build a new layout of template gallery on gavick.com.

We use K2 and made for them a special style in every new template that we have made since last year. It’s a good choice for us and our clients (members) because they could quickly and easily take advantage of the functionality of this extension. Also, privately used twice that component building a website for the hospital and magazine for men.

This article was first published December 7th, 2010