12 Joomla templates and 7 GK Joomla extensions updated for Joomla 4

12 Joomla templates and 7 GK extensions updated for Joomla 4 Hi Everyone, We are happy to announce the 4th batch of Joomla 4 updates with 12 more GavickPro Joomla templates, 7 Joomla extensions, and 4 Gavick template quickstart packages updated for Joomla 4.0.2 compatibility. The quickstart packages of all templates in this batch were also updated for Joomla 4.0.2 compatibility.

List of templates for Joomla 4.0.2

List of templates quickstart packages exported Joomla 4

List of extensions updated for Joomla 4.0.2

  • Image Show GK4 Module – version 1.7.3
  • GK Extmenu System plugin – version 1.0.2
  • GK Opengraph plugin – version 1.0.0
  • GK Reservation system plugin – version 1.0.0
  • GK Cache plugin – version 1.0.0
  • GK Typography plugin – version 1.0.5
  • GK Module Links Plugin – version 1.1
Joomla 4 Tutorials for community members

Since Joomla 4 has been released with all-new UI and codebase changes it is a little hard sometimes for site administrators to apply changes in the Joomla system using Joomla 4. We have been worked on some important Tutorials that will help you to learn Joomla 4: Joomla 4 Tutorials

How to update Joomla 3 to Joomla 4: Moving from Joomla 3 to Joomla will be a migration process and it required some important steps to remember. All the extensions and templates must be ready for Joomla 4, if any extension is not ready it can break the website. Some important steps need to be taken :
    1. Check installed extensions are ready for Joomla 4 or not
    2. Take a full backup of the website before upgrade
    3. Do not install Joomla 4 update package directly on Joomla 3.9.28
    4. First upgrade to Joomla 3.10
    5. Update the extensions and templates to the latest version before upgrade to Joomla 4
    6. If an extension or template is not compatible either remove/disable it
Joomla 4 Migration steps: Migrate Joomla 3 to Joomla 4: step by step Tutorial

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This article was first published September 10th, 2021