Website Cache affecting FedEx Shipping Rates?

Premium, Furniture Joomla Design Shop Template with K2Store support
GK User
Sat Aug 24, 2013 7:48 pm

I have a website where we sell jewelry. If you add some items to the cart (example product page: and proceed to the checkout....

Please type in a valid address including your city, state, zip, etc..
Then check the "ship to same address" checkbox.

You will see the shipping method is BLANK! But if a user clicks "refresh" on the browser, all of a sudden the shipping rates are visible! I was told it has something to do with the "cache".

Can someone please explain how I can adjust the "cache" so the user doesn't have to click "refresh" to see the shipping rates? It should load automatically after they type in their zip/postal code.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
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Fresh Boarder

Sun Aug 25, 2013 10:22 am

Please try disable cache and see if this is will happen again.

Send me an access to joomla panel. I'll see the settings for cache.
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Mon Aug 26, 2013 11:01 pm

I've checked and it has nothing to do with cache. It's just this one page checkout You are using not refreshing shippment informations while address is entered. You need to contact this extension developer and ask if this supposed to be like that. A default VM functionality is that You have steps and to get Your address You are being redirected to a different page, so there is no such problem, becuase address is remembered before shippment options are displayed.
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