no more mega menu??

Elegant Joomla template designed especially for both professional and personal website presentation.
GK User
Tue May 01, 2012 5:32 pm
Hi there,

I just want to know if the mega menu is no more available in the new updated version of gk_postnote?
I´m running into issues with the menu. Let me describe:
With the old template there was the hover effect when mouseover a submenu item. For the updated template it seems that there are just active text links. Difficult to describe, but I will attach two pictures that show exactly what I mean.

First picture show how it looked like with the old gk_postnote and the second one how it looks like with the new one. It should look like the old one where the whole dotted area is shown up with the pointer when hovering. At the moment I have to hover exact to the text: 2011 to click the menu item.

Why is the mega menu gone and how to solve this issue? The old version was much more easier to click. Now I have to hover and click exactly on the text-link to click the menuitem. How to solve this?

kind regards

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GK User
Wed May 02, 2012 4:45 pm
It would be nice if there could be a little bit of support. Hope it is even better as people say that the support@gavick could be better;-) I´m pretty sure that there is some help out there :D

kind regards

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GK User
Wed May 02, 2012 9:25 pm
Seems the support isn´t realy good, I purchased a liftime membership of about 100€ and there is no support at all? Seems that the sad story with support at gavick keeps on going. I have made bad experience with the support as other people have done also and thinking of never ever gavick again, but I will give it a chance.

It seems that things will take ages to be answered

Would be nice if "teitbite" or "The Don" can help me out ? Why has so much changed in the new template version? Seems that there was not enough coding skills/time to do the same, I mean kind of a copy as the old one was. Migration was just horrible and in fact not possible with K2!! So I had to start from the beginning. Very frustrating. But this is documented in other threads.

If I think about the migration from 1.5 --> 2.5.x that was simply NOT tested by the developers. Just a nightmare. Not sure if this can be called professional behavior. But since my project was started with gavick, it should end happy with gavick. But for future projects... Seems that I don´t want to do the same fault twice ;-) Would be interesting to have a statement from Robert Gavick himself. Not sure what other users have

Just a bit off-topic, But I have to complain about the support at all! But I will give it a chance as I said. Next steps will be facebook and JED, just to let other people know what the support is all about. It seems that I have to open a lot of threads just to get an answer. But this has worked once, maybe again too. As I said: horrible

Waitng for reply
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GK User
Fri May 04, 2012 12:42 pm
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GK User
Sat May 05, 2012 4:55 pm

If i understood well, you migrate from J!1.5 to J!2.5 and now you see a different hover effect on menu items.

Comparing both templates on this issue i don't see any difference. So you must provide us the url of your site so we can check.

Meanwhile, for proper clarification: Mega menu is part of T3 framework that was used on J!1.5 versions. Now we have our own framework - Gavern and there's no Mega menu on this version. The version more near of Mega menu is GK Extra Menu type that you can select on template parameters.

Anyway, if there's this effect lack on your website, it can be some 3th party classes interfering with the menu.

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GK User
Sun May 06, 2012 10:55 am
No Is was not upgrading/migrating as this was absolutely timewasting. Very sad that this was not working as you changed the framework wothout informing the customers that there can be problems with the migration especially for K2 users. This wouldn´t be a problem if there were proper help at forums but infact gavick does not provide adequate help for his paying customers. (compare it with many many other threads where customers complain about this lack of service.)

But to get back to the problem. I will give it a second chance:

The easiest way would be to setup a fresh version or to use the quickinstaller of gk_postnote.

Compate this with another thread I found: ... 15836.html Please click the link of the users website and see what I mean. There only is an active link if you hover on a textlink of the menuitem. This is exactly what I mean.

You can even go to this link: ... -3880.html

It was answered and quoted by you. See the quoted post of you of the user: russandcorinne and his site. THis is an old working template with joomla 1.5 If you hover on a second level menu item the whole line is active and ready to click not only the texlink as it is done in the new version of the gk_postnote.

Please advice how to solve this for the new version. Just let me know asap please whow to make the hover of the second menu items NOT like this: ... Itemid=102 as this is how it looks like the new updated template but is should look with the new updated version of gk_postnote template like this:

How to solve this?

Thanks in advance and I hope to get a customer friendly answer with a step by step tutorial or even a hint how to solve this to get the same behavior with the new updated template version to looks like the old one (originally 1.5 template of gk_postnote. Please avoide to tell me things like I already know. I jsut want to bring the old template style to the new template of gk_postnote and this in a time efficient way. Please stick into this. Waiting for real help and not a one or two line answer just to have something written.

Thanks and waiting for reply!
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Junior Boarder

Sun May 06, 2012 9:24 pm

Do You mean this effect of unfolding submenu when cursor is over menu option ?

If Yes please go to template settings and in Menu tab set "Menu width animation" to OFF. You can also slower the animation by putting a lower value.
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GK User
Mon May 07, 2012 5:13 pm
No! Animation of menu is ok!

I mean if I hover over the red dotted area (see picture at bottom first post) in the submenuitem with the new updated version there is no mousepointer at all (not active as a link) ONLY if i hover over the text (2012 e.g.) the mouse turns to the pointer and it is clickable. THe whole sumbemnuitem frame should be clickable and shown up with the mousepointer if I hover on it. Like it was on the old on:

At the old template the whole red dotted area was shown with the mousepointer and also clickable

How to achive this with updated gk_template?
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Junior Boarder

Mon May 07, 2012 6:25 pm

Please add this to override.css and do not forget to allow using override in template settings:

Code: Select all
ul.level1 li a {
    display: block;
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GK User
Mon May 07, 2012 7:39 pm
Great this was working like a charm. Easy thing to use the override.css to achive custom code.

One more open question regarding the suffix for modules.

On the frontpage you can see the red marked modul with the suffix: "clear" But if I do so with the new template and the same suffix: "clear" is is not working

The Modul has not the same top alignment as the other content on the modulposition right beneth has. See the green one. Note: The green one is the gk_news_ Pro with nsp suffix. The one with the picture is a normal custom html module. HOW comes? See dotted line not the same alignment.


ALSO: There seems not to be a paddig or margin as the old one has:


And see link:

How can I get the right top alignment as it was done in the old template version? Do you get what I mean?

If not just ask please what is not clear to you!
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Junior Boarder

Mon May 07, 2012 7:43 pm

Please just show me a link to an example page where You got it wrong.
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GK User
Mon May 07, 2012 8:00 pm
Sure ! You have got an email with my userdates

Thanks so far
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Junior Boarder

Tue May 08, 2012 3:08 pm

Just found Your access. Ok this is a little bit tricky a margin and space is done by paragraph <p> element which is not a part of demo site website (I'm talking about a module content). A <p> was added by editor while You've added a link to the image. I've fixed it by adding

Code: Select all
<p style="margin:0;"></p>

You've also used wrong class name for text layer. I've changed it to:

Code: Select all
<div class="aboutMe"></div>

I've also noticed that for example module called "Was Ihr Wolt" got header to high. But this one should be configured in NSP module settings as article padding.
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Wed May 09, 2012 5:24 pm

You've asked me how to make it with a module class suffix.

I would not advice to add this rule to "clear" suffix, because not every custom module has to have this construction, so it would be safier to create a new class suffix. For example let add a class suffix of: " first_p_off" (a space in front is important). Than add this class to css (override.css is the best but require to allow using it in template settings).

Code: Select all
.first_p_off p:first-child {
margin-top: 0;
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