Problems with tables in artikels

Advanced newspaper or magazine Joomla template to build news website with unique and detailed design.
GK User
Sat Aug 09, 2014 6:43 pm
Hey everyone.
A few months ago I have had a problem with the hover effect in tables at articles or modules. This problem has been solved by yout help.

Now I have another problem with a table:
-Please have a look at this table: ... ahrerlager

-Although this table looks perfect in different editors, the table gets distroyed by the world news template.
-The problem is: the two lines/rows with the name "Björn Börgers" are pushed to deep. Both lines should rest onto the dark-blue lines in the background-grafic. Furthermore the background-grafic should end with the table insted of repeating.

Looking at the added screenshot SHOULD-IS.png will show you what i try to discribe.
Can somebody help me with this problem?
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GK User
Tue Aug 12, 2014 8:23 am
Please switch template to Beez and check whether it will be displayed fine because I don't see any template styles which may overwrite the tables. Please note that in back-end you see tables with editor styles but then this styles are not added to your front-end so this preview is useless. By the way, using tables in 2014 to display content with the image background is not the best idea.
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