Number of hits

Advanced newspaper or magazine Joomla template to build news website with unique and detailed design.
GK User
Fri Jan 17, 2014 12:42 pm
Hi I have a problem after I installed the new template World News: the hits to the articles are not being counted. We update the page and the number of hits does not change most of the time. I confirmed with the error numbers shown by Analytics, which is much larger than shown in the screen. What could be bad?


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GK User
Fri Jan 17, 2014 4:27 pm
hard to say, because our team never modifies default Joomla core code for such a elements. So if Joomla counts bad - this is not our fault. :whistle:
Honest, I never wondered how the system counts these views.
But I know that All smart & clever webmaster uses Stats -- not Article Hits, for analysis of web site traffic.
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