Adv4 Adv5 _ver2 _ver3 not working correctly -- missing styling

Social Joomla! template ideal to promote activities and discussion at various levels with JomSocial support.
GK User
Sat Jan 22, 2011 4:08 am
Need to style the adv module positions with different suffixes? It won't work with the released template, because CSS wasn't provided except for the default.

You need to add the following to the template.css:
Code: Select all
#content_top .gk_round_ml .us_width .moduletable,
#content_bottom .gk_round_ml .us_width .moduletable,
#current_top .us_width .moduletable,
#current_bottom .us_width .moduletable,
#content_top .gk_round_ml .us_width .moduletable_ver1,
#content_bottom .gk_round_ml .us_width .moduletable_ver1,
#current_top .us_width .moduletable_ver1,
#current_bottom .us_width .moduletable_ver1,
#content_top .gk_round_ml .us_width .moduletable_ver2,
#content_bottom .gk_round_ml .us_width .moduletable_ver2,
#current_top .us_width .moduletable_ver2,
#current_bottom .us_width .moduletable_ver2,
#content_top .gk_round_ml .us_width .moduletable_ver3,
#content_bottom .gk_round_ml .us_width .moduletable_ver3,
#current_top .us_width .moduletable_ver3,
#current_bottom .us_width .moduletable_ver3
 { margin: 0 16px; }
#content_top .gk_round_ml .us_width:first-child .moduletable,
#content_bottom .gk_round_ml .us_width:first-child .moduletable,
#current_top .us_width:first-child .moduletable,
#current_bottom .us_width:first-child .moduletable,
#current_top .us_width:first-child .moduletable_ver1,
#current_bottom .us_width:first-child .moduletable_ver1,
#current_top .us_width:first-child .moduletable_ver2,
#current_bottom .us_width:first-child .moduletable_ver2,
#current_top .us_width:first-child .moduletable_ver3,
#current_bottom .us_width:first-child .moduletable_ver3 { margin: 0 16px 0 0; }

maybe some other to deal with the case that it is not the first or the last child (I only have 2 modules published to the adv 4-5-6 row).

If you don't have that, then the titles run into each other. The default style works (moduletable), but when _ver1, _ver2, _ver3 gets appended, the margins are not correctly set.
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Junior Boarder
