Jomsocial Version 1.8

Social Joomla! template ideal to promote activities and discussion at various levels with JomSocial support.
GK User
Tue Jun 22, 2010 7:37 pm
Hi there, I know this is very early considering Jomsocial 1.8 has only just been released but I was wondering will you all at Gavick be getting stuck into an updated jomsocial template for Quay? I know everyone in this Quay forum will be looking for it but obviously this will take weeks of course as I imagine its not priorty. Hopefully there is not dramatic changes in the theme structure.

Here is the blog release: ... -here.html
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Gold Boarder

GK User
Sun Jun 27, 2010 9:09 pm
A deafening silence :) Glad to see the hard work going in on the new template for june which looks great though.
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GK User
Tue Jun 29, 2010 3:26 pm
Not working with Quady..duplicate key issues when using the quickstart mysql dump.
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Tue Jun 29, 2010 11:48 pm
I really hope that a new and updated Quay version for jomsocial 1.8 is on the way.

As it is now you cant use Quay and jomsocial 1.8 together at all.
Not only is the Quay/jomsocial skin not working but the general joomla templeta presents problems with jomsocial.

If you have a main menu with "children/submenus" that reaches further down then the jomsocial menu, the main menu ends up behind the jomsocial menu.

Try it and you'll see.

Please, please, please sort this so that we all can go live with the new jomsocial.

// Johan
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GK User
Mon Jul 05, 2010 4:32 pm
any release date??
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GK User
Thu Jul 15, 2010 6:25 am
I would really like to know about a release date on this as well. My site can't run quay on the new jomsocial!
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Thu Jul 22, 2010 8:05 am
How about a reply.

Considering the charge for this membership,the support i terrible compared to other sites...

Geton with it please // Johan
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Thu Jul 22, 2010 8:55 am
the menu issue is with all Gavick templates, not just Quay my friend. All you have to do to fix it is slap some positioning and z-index on the Jomsocial menu. As far as the service it's a trade off, better templates for less support or shoddy error prone template with chatty support. Obviously you've made your choice.
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Platinum Boarder

GK User
Thu Jul 22, 2010 9:00 am
So it works with Jomsocial 1.8 and events etc?
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Gold Boarder

GK User
Thu Jul 22, 2010 10:37 am
Yeah it works but there are som template glitches. I tested it upgrading to JomSocial 1.8.5 and I believe that the menu glitches or bars or whatever it's called, is a general problem for the 1.8.x branch.

I'm sure that the team is working on a Quay update for the 1.8.x branch. Why else even create a JomSocial specific template to begin with.

Perhaps the two companies could SYNC their release dates to help us and themselves for unnecessary post and support tickets?
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Senior Boarder

GK User
Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:08 pm
Dear mongoloid2006

Sure the quality of the templates are important and it is really high here at gavick.
But whith the one I've paid for not working and my customers are bitching on me for an answer on when i can get it to work for them, Service becomes equally important.

All I'm asking for is a reply stating whether they are working on it or not and when i can tell my customers that i can upgrade them.

I am a customer at about 15 similar sites and the service varies, but at least they reply in official threads with in a couple of days.

The first post in this thread is now over 4 weeks old.

I was not bitching just simply asking for some long over due information.

// Johan
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Fresh Boarder

Thu Jul 22, 2010 5:08 pm

Sorry I cannot tell You when it will be ready, because I'm just a forum supporter, not a developer. Please search the forum. I have been fixing lots of problems with this JomSocial version.

PS: Sorry, but I need to tell this. It's a funy thing with this support thing is that some people tells me that Gavick got the best support comparing to other template clubs, but when someone have a problem that even we do not know how to solve I'm always hearing that we're the worst. Please forgive me but I'm not a machine I do not know everything.
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GK User
Thu Jul 22, 2010 6:22 pm
I thought you were a machine as the support has always been good mate :) Looking forward to an update on this theme for Jomsocial 1.8.x

I guess everyone just gets eager when there is an update to the extensions - I am sure it will arrive soon - I hope anyways haha. Once again I always found the support great on here.
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Gold Boarder

GK User
Thu Jul 22, 2010 7:48 pm
teitbite wrote:

Sorry I cannot tell You when it will be ready, because I'm just a forum supporter, not a developer. Please search the forum. I have been fixing lots of problems with this JomSocial version.

PS: Sorry, but I need to tell this. It's a funy thing with this support thing is that some people tells me that Gavick got the best support comparing to other template clubs, but when someone have a problem that even we do not know how to solve I'm always hearing that we're the worst. Please forgive me but I'm not a machine I do not know everything.

Perhaps it's time for you to implement a ticketing system. With an ever growing customer base (I hope) it gets too cumbersome to attend to and support "real problems".

Even I have bought one for one of my sites and can only recommend that you do too, you'll less stressed out and may also have different priorities for the incidents. This way of working will also make you appear more like machines ;)

Just another free idea from me... :silly:
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Senior Boarder

GK User
Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:09 am
First I will require you to not call me other than my name, My name is Mongo2006 thank you.

1. You bought a template that was complete, robust, very well coded and, obviously well designed.

2. Gavick does not have the responsibility to assure you that their templates will work with EVERY component, they skin JOOMLA! if you want to skin something else then that is on YOU!.
Although I have seen them (Gavick & Crew) bend over backwards to answer questions that where either in the help files they provided, or could have been handled with a quick search of the site or the forums. Gavick gives support for their templates, not your promises to customers.

3. If you have promised your customers something you can't deliver, that is your fault and not Gavicks. Your skill level with CSS is evident because that's all that is between you and the proper positioning of the Jomsocial menu structure. So you need to go bith at Jomsocial for changing the z-index level.

4. Obviously you have a warez version of Jomsocial because they came out with a fix LONG AGO!!! Google that file and get your copy of the fix where you got your copy of JomSocial.

5. go look for #community-wrap .cToolbar ul if you hadn't called me out my name I might have helped you.

6. Keep up the good work Gavick, you guys make me a better coder everyday.
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Platinum Boarder

GK User
Sat Jul 24, 2010 12:06 am
Dear Mongo2006, Internet hate is a funny thing.

1. It was an honest mistake calling you anything less then your real name. I am deeply sorry if that offended you.

2. I have never claimed that gawick owes me anything more then the release of quay that they already have delivered. This is why I in my initial post write "Please, please, please sort this so that we all can go live with the new jomsocial."

3. you are absolutely right regarding my skill level with css and this is why i turn to professionals like the gawick for nice working templates. I am though skilled enough to have sorted the z-index problem but as i say in my initial post "Not only is the Quay/jomsocial skin not working but the general joomla templete presents problems with jomsocial."

4. Your defending of gawicks level of skill and quallity of templates is some what uncalled for since I've never had the intention of attacing them. It feels like I'm reapeating my self but as I wrote "I was not bitching just simply asking for some long over due information.

5. All your points and opinions are in general very valid but
when you claim to now whether or not I've paid for my jomsocial you do loose a bit of your credibility. I do pay for all the service i use and very often donate to the once that use share ware license.

6. Im sure that you have mistaken me for one of the bitching people that demands this and that with out appreciating quality products or are willing to pay for them.
I'm not one of them. My living and income are dependent on good products and service from companies like azrul and gawick and I know and appreciates this highly.

But that's ok because i have already written you off as an angry internet hater that sits alone in the dark just looking fore people to misinterpret and lay in to. ;)

7. Really,,, Why all the anger!!!!
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Sat Jul 24, 2010 2:10 am
To be angry you must first care. I don't.. really I don't. But I am a struggling coder, trying to learn as much as I can and teach as much as I can. Your efforts to make excuses acceptable is unacceptable, and I will not sit by and let you belittle your actions as though they where reasonable and you had not gotten the service you deserved.

You put Gavick and crew in a uncomfortable position, notice they have said nothing about this thread? They want to give you all the support you need, but they also have to balance that with production. I'm tired of templates coming out late, many of us are in need of more great templates. I see the slow down being the result of requests that have nothing to do with the templates. If you had taken the time to search you would have seen that the navigation on the 1.8 version of JS has issues, and not just with Gavick.

So I'll say again, I could care less about your problems, deadlines, skill level, or your impression of me. I do care about your willingness to disrupt the production flow of Gavick.. that my friend directly effects me and my business.

If I where you I would take this as a SIREN to go learn more CSS and PHP, learn to use the greatest invention sense the hard drive.... ( Google Search ). have a nice day.
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Platinum Boarder

GK User
Sat Jul 24, 2010 8:26 am
for whats its worth, gavick always come up with the goods, but time is something we must give them as they have new templates to design and build and also maintain updates to previous templates. The update will come as they say but certainly not a month after the release of jomsocial 1.8 - I am sure in the next 6 to 8 weeks it will be here and we can all upgrade together and help each other out with issues - I think thats the whole point of these forums!!
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Gold Boarder

GK User
Sat Jul 24, 2010 8:50 pm
Well said classof1984 but image what we don't have, because of what Gavick and the crew have to do to please the people that refuse to take the time to see if they can handle the extras they want to do with the base template. Gavick could have time to make addon templates for Jomsocial and Virtumart for every template they produce, and maybe a few more colors for each template, but they don't have the time.

Mind you it's not because there isn't enough time. It's because that time is taken up with customizations that have nothing to do with the template. So I'm not saying people shouldn't ask questions, What I'm saying is customization should be targeted to the forum community. We as a community can handle that, while letting Gavick handle the templates. If we as a forum community get stuck on something I'm sure Gavick and the rest of the crew would be more than happy to help us if we had tried to solve a problem as a community. But putting guilt trips on the production crew isn't fair to them, and only slows down production. XTC is a great example of that, I had a subscription there, their code isn't good enough to be on a warez site. So when people do find a template producer that actually cares about the end product they better appreciate it.
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Platinum Boarder

GK User
Thu Jul 29, 2010 12:25 am
I would just like to add, when you are a paying customer it is there responsibility to make there templates work. If it was built to work with jomsocial and you renew your membership from year to year to get updates and support then yes you are owed, if they are giving it away for free then I will pay somebody to fix what I can't do but I didn't get it for free. As a fellow overworked designer and developer I would say they are working on it. But you idiots that think that they provided you with a template and they don't have to support it or don't owe you anything can start sending me your money instead and you will get the same thing nothing.
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Thu Jul 29, 2010 1:20 am
Look here pimp'n let me shut you down right now. Quay is designed for 1.6 Jomsocial, Quay has no issues with 1.6 Jomsocial.

Your talking about Jomsocial 1.8 BETA!! do I need to say that again.. BETA!!!! I'm sure when Jomsocial goes gold there will be an update for Quay. If your using Jomsocial 1.8 on a production site that's your issue, Not Gavicks. Jomsocial went from 1.8.0 to 1.8.5 in 9 days and I'm expecting 1.8.6 in the next week. What template company with any sense would release a update to a component with a update history like that.

Look Gavick may have some idiotic customers that may have some idiotic expectations. But I guarantee you Gavick isn't that CRAZY.

Now get off your azz and open your style.css and find and replace this.

body #community-wrap #cToolbarNav ul
list-style-type: none;
list-style-image: none;
list-style-position: outside;
z-index: 1;
position: relative;

Now this is the fix to the menu. if you need anything else about Jomsocial 1.8 Direct it to me, the community, or Jomsocial. because the menu issue is Not Gavicks issue.
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Platinum Boarder

GK User
Thu Jul 29, 2010 4:31 am
Bro I got the fix the day it came out from Jomsocial, not a warez site. I would advise you not to use templates from there because the back door to the quickstart is recorded. They can access your site any time they want to. Also have a little class bro, a link like that should never be on Gavicks forum.

Hey look folks I have coding to do, I won't be responding to this thread as it has ran it's useful course. If you have a problem with Jomsocial 1.8, or MeMovie I can help you, send me a PM and I'll help as much as I can.
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Platinum Boarder

GK User
Fri Jul 30, 2010 2:50 pm
Hi all, i started this thread and I must say i didnt expect it to get hijacked like this. Basically I would say dont install jomsocial 1.8 if you dont have the correct theme to match - thats pretty basic common sense!! I was simply asking at the beginning if this is something gavick is working on - which i am sure they are but I myself didnt expect anything for a month or so - I just asked for a rough time frame. I wouldnt expect it straight away after all. Anyways I am sorry I opened this thread now - thanks mango2006 for sharing the knowledge its what this is all about.
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Gold Boarder

Fri Jul 30, 2010 6:33 pm

Thanks classof1984. I'm closing this thread.

I was told that the Quay is being recoded to T3 framework with style for the latest JomSocial as we speak. So please be patient.
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