jquery with Joomla 3.5.1 jquery hanlding

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GK User
Wed May 11, 2016 9:34 am
Hi there, in the past the whole thing of jquery was a hellish can of worms, because almost every developer thought it's a must for them to use jquery, yet every such component would use different versions of it thus birthing endless conflicts and there was no way to handle this whole ordeal if you have more than one jquery used on your site. Developers could have an idea of what is going on, though not everyone is a developer. What should we, not developers do about it all?
Now I've seen that Joomla! itself has new feature, something about jQuery noconflict mode. Would you guys, since you are developers, take some time and tell us, lame users, in plain English, what do we need to do to actually make this whole thing work?
Thus far I have four different things that conflict with each other and developers from those companies come in and fix THEIR component by disabling all others. Then the other one comes in and fixes their component and so on. Any guide possible on how do I make this hellish jquery finally work in such a way that all components cooperate together??? If this new feature in Joomla! works at all...
Thanks in advance.
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Platinum Boarder

Thu May 12, 2016 9:28 am

There is no easy answer to that.
jQuery noconflict is only to separate jQuery from mootools and other libraries. It adds a jQuery tag to jQuery related selectors only, so different jQuery version will still have problems with it.

The only way is to use one jQuery library at a time. I'm using Easy jQuery plugin which removes any jQuery library and replace it with the one configured. Best is to use version 1.11 provided by joomla. This version has most of older functions included, so if there is a component not working with it means it's badly outdated and the only way would be to replace it with different, more up to date extension.
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GK User
Thu May 12, 2016 10:10 am
teitbite wrote:There is no easy answer to that. I'm using Easy jQuery plugin which removes any jQuery library and replace it with the one configured.

Thank you for answering! I've stumbled upon "Perfect Joomla! 3 User Interface and jQuery Includer" plugin that seems to have fixed issues on my site. Might be worth looking at too. You are saying that it's best to use version 1.11 provided by Joomla, while trying to trace errors, I've figured out, that there are versions of this loaded from Google and from Yandex, now one more from Joomla... Are they simply hosting the libraries, or they tweak 'em and those are different editions of the same version? Thanks.
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Platinum Boarder

Fri May 13, 2016 11:40 am

I think they only host libraries, but having multiple load even of the same version is not good too. If some code started to process already and than function got rewritten even by same function than the action will be terminated and it will not work.

I've never heard about "Perfect Joomla! 3 User Interface and jQuery Includer", but if it has an option to remove extra libraries to trade with a single one than it's good.
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