Does Meet Gavern V 1.4.0 support hiding Joomla content?

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GK User
Sat Dec 26, 2015 8:37 pm
I am using Meet Gavern V 1.4.0. I tried basic ways to hide joomla content on other pages, but its not working. I followed steps mentioned in ... omla-pages, but
1. There is no Suffices for Pages option in Features in template manager. so, i could not use it.
2. I tried to use Override.css with noMainbody css, but it does not work as i dont know where to use the suffix in Menu(As in, could not see Page Suffix box)
3. i tried to assign the modules on Mainbody position on other pages. but it does not hide the joomla content, it hidden the Modules i assigned.
so, i am cluesless if i can actually hide the joomla content, or how to do it.

pls help
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Junior Boarder

Mon Dec 28, 2015 1:23 pm

Meet Gavern is a very basic template so it would be suitable for all kinds of customisations. Anyway there is a way to hide the content.

1. In user settings disable using editor
2. Make a new Custom HTML module and add this code as it's content:
Code: Select all
<style type="text/css">#gk-main { display: none !important; }</style>

3. Make sure this module is published in module position "debug" and attached to pages where content should be removed.
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GK User
Tue Dec 29, 2015 6:46 am
thanks for quick reply.
1. In user settings disable using editor

user settings means, in User Manager?
also, did you mean, i have to disable editor?
sorry getting confused.

Also, when i copy-pasted above code in Custom HTML Module and saved it, it did not show anything. the code just vanished.
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Junior Boarder

Wed Dec 30, 2015 10:58 am

Code vanishes because editor does not allow such code. This is why I asked You to disable it first. Just go to User Manager, select Your user and set in Editor option to "None". Than try add this code again.
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