White Space Behind Logo?

Create unique look and build successful ecommerce website with eShop Joomla template.
GK User
Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:52 pm

I have been desperately trying to figure out what the white space is behind my logo. Please see here:

I've played around with the css and can't seem to find anything that changes this white area. I have adjusted my logo so that it is centered and the white space behind pokes out evenly from either side...but I would like this white space to go away!

Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated!
Thank you,
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Thu Mar 31, 2011 2:36 am
Hello Shelly
In template params under DEV MODE turn " Use override.css" ON then save.

then add this to the end of override.css

Code: Select all
#page1002a { background-image: none; }

If you want more help with this or anything else please contact me
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Gold Boarder
