MooMenu in Eshop Dark

Create unique look and build successful ecommerce website with eShop Joomla template.
GK User
Tue Mar 16, 2010 8:39 pm
I am building a new site using the Eshop dark, I have a menu with drop down called "products" I do not want "products" to click through to anything, the way i have done this before is to assign it as a separator, but when i do that here it does not take on the styling of the menu. is there any other way to make this happen?

if you follow the link "products", "support", and "corporate" are separators with drop down added and store is an article link.
look here
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Fresh Boarder

Tue Mar 16, 2010 10:56 pm

I think that the best solution is to write in css that the separator displays the same as active link.

The only diffrence in those elements is that active is inside <a></a> and separator is <span></span>

So to make it display the same please just add the name of the class with <span> instead of <a> everywhere the level1 list element is the case.
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GK User
Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:02 pm
Wow thanks for the quick response, I will investigate this and see if i can work it out, thanks so much.
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:26 pm
In case anyone comes up against this again...

Instead of creating a Separator, Just use the type "VirtueMart" with NO component parameters assigned and the Separator will display the correct theme. You can then assign any other items underneath as a drop down menu.

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Fresh Boarder
