Portfolio Template - Sticky submenus

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GK User
Sun Sep 27, 2015 7:45 am
Hello again,

I don't know if my earlier thread on Portfolio collapsing menus is flagged as fixed but I don't believe the menu behaviour is entirely correct. That is, it now works but looks different to any menu I have seen before!

The submenus are now "sticky". If you click on a parent menu, you get a submenu drop down. If you click on a second parent menu, the first submenu stays open and another submenu drops down from the second parent. This means you can have a lot of submenus open at the same time. I doubt this is correct :-)

It's worse on my site because there are more menus.



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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Mon Sep 28, 2015 6:31 am
This acts exactly as it should. If you have complicated submenu system - you always need to see parent menu to not confuse user with need of going back to main menu and traveling down again if he wants to select different position in between.
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GK User
Thu Oct 01, 2015 10:54 pm
Have you looked closely at the screen shots? The submenus are coming from two parents at the same time. Note the green header or parent menus in the Portfolio screen shot. Both parent menus have single level child or submenus present at the same time. I doubt that this is intentional. Certainly I have never seen this in any other interface.

Try it for yourself. Click on a parent menu. A submenu will drop down. Now click on another parent… you'll get a second submenu and the first will still be on screen until you click on its parent menu to close it. You can have dozens of submenus open at the same time if you want.
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Fri Oct 02, 2015 5:13 pm
I cant reproduce this issue on our demo server:
Could you please be a little bit more specific? What exactly needs to be done to reproduce such an issue? What OS are you using? What browser? What version of the browser?
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GK User
Sat Oct 03, 2015 3:55 pm
Using an iPad or some touch screen device, Safari and latest iOS, go to the demo page for portfolio.

Touch or slide over the Features menu. The child menu drops down.

Touch or slide over the Joomla! menu. The child menu also drops down and the Features child menu remains on screen.

And so on if you have more menus with submenus.

The behaviour is NOT the same using a PC. The submenus disappear as normal. This behaviour only works on a touch screen device… Certainly iOS. This is all as shown on the screen shots posted earlier.

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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Mon Oct 05, 2015 12:03 pm
Ok, thanks for this really descriptive information. I'll provide this info to our devteam and will write back as soon as I'll get an answer.
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