White Screen Of Death

Support help forum dedicated to free and commerical templates for Joomla 3 and 2.5 version.
GK User
Fri Aug 29, 2014 8:27 pm
I just recently purchased all your templates because I think they all look good. But it seems there is alot of problems. And I was hoping you could help me out.

The problem:
After installing one of your Quickinstall-packages, everything seem to work fine. But after 5 minutes, the website goes white (WSOD), whilst admin continue to work. After a lot of frustration, I finally found the source to the problem. News Pro -module. After unpublishing the modules, the site works fine. When I try to publish them again, the WSOD returns.

First I thought this was a problem with my server. So I hired an expert to help me find the problem, since probably this was either a memory-, configuration- or version-issue. After checking both the PHP version (up to date), setting memory to Unlimited, and checking all configuration and settings - he cant find anything wrong with the server (unless there is some requirement Gavick have not informed about). And with no errors reported in logs - we did not where to look. So then he started to look at the code, and he finds:
- The installed modules are not up to date
- This function in the module (your helper which is calling a controller) is causing the problem
Code: Select all

But still after reinstalling the latest version of the module, it continue to give WSOD. On top of this, after unpublishing the NewsPro-modules - I changed some of the content-text in the ImageShow-module, and then this also is giving the WSOD. If I then unpublish the ImageShow-module, the site returns.

So please help me. Because without the NewsPro- and ImageShow-modules - your design becomes worthless.

PS: The site I am currently having these problems with is using the Startup-template. But I have been having the exact same problems with all the other templates (though only with the NewsPro-module).
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Fresh Boarder

Mon Sep 01, 2014 10:15 am

If problem would be the code of the module than i believe it will not work after installation. I think it's a miss configuration issue. Most likely a source value is set to articles which were deleted or this kind of issue. Send me an access to joomla panel so I'll see.
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