Shop name in different views changes?

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GK User
Tue Jul 01, 2014 2:40 pm
Hi, I'm using Gavicks InStyle template and I just noticed that at HOME, the shop heading is correct (my shop name), but when I move to sidemenu - Womens jeans, the heading of the page is "inStyle" ? How can I change this?
Also, why do I see strange code in this product list, under the product pictures? - "TPL_GK_LANG_VM_INC_TAX14,08 " How could I remove it?
The site adress is:
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GK User
Tue Jul 01, 2014 3:41 pm
I think it's because there are two templates assigned, one to your frontpage and another to the other sites? The "strange code" is a missing language tag in your language file. You should replace this tag with a regular wording... (For example like the K2 language files, syntax is like
Code: Select all
K2_ITEM_NOT_FOUND="Item not found"
). You'll find the specific file in your language folder...
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