Smart Search doesnt work on homepage

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GK User
Tue Jul 09, 2013 7:59 am
I've got the smart search module running on rockwall. When you use the search module on the home page it returns no results and simply refreshes the home page. But if you use it anywhere else its fine.
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GK User
Tue Jul 09, 2013 8:27 am
For me the search returns some result, please look >> but in fact when I choose article I'm not redirect properly. Please try to test the same on default Joomla! template Beez this gives us sure where is the problem. You can also try to disable SEF URL's for test time and make sure that articles are created in categories related with some menu items.
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Tue Jul 09, 2013 8:38 am
I've uninstalled the beez template unfortunately. Its part of our housekeeping.

Why would it work on all other pages. Do your templates have a strange homepage profile of sorts?

I turned of SEF urls and it still went to the homepage with no luck either.
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GK User
Wed Jul 10, 2013 8:18 am
Please make sure that articles founded by Smart Search are related with some menu item (or their categories). Due to fact that there is no mainbody on homepage Joomla! needs some connection to other menu item to show properly an article.
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GK User
Wed Jul 30, 2014 11:05 am
Hi woogyngun. I have the same problem on my site - did you manage to find a solution to this? The smart search module running on the homepage merely causes the homepage to refresh
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GK User
Thu Jul 31, 2014 11:25 am
The solution is to create menu item which will be related with smart search view - then Joomla can build proper path to this view.
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GK User
Mon Sep 15, 2014 2:38 am
bkrztuk wrote:The solution is to create menu item which will be related with smart search view - then Joomla can build proper path to this view.

pplease explain this solution. what do you mean to create menu item?
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GK User
Mon Sep 15, 2014 9:42 am

You have to create a menu item which will be connected with the smart search component - you can do it in the menu manager in the Joomla back-end.
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GK User
Mon Sep 15, 2014 11:55 am
dziudek wrote:Hello,

You have to create a menu item which will be connected with the smart search component - you can do it in the menu manager in the Joomla back-end.

Yes i did it. I creatre a menu from Smart Search. When i search, the browser adress changes but it stays ath home page. Doesn't happened.
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GK User
Mon Sep 15, 2014 2:17 pm
dziudek wrote:Hello,

You have to create a menu item which will be connected with the smart search component - you can do it in the menu manager in the Joomla back-end.

ohhh i solved it . thank you. :D
actually after created menu item, should assign this menu item inside module smart search :)))

For anybody:
1- Create a menu item for smart search. (it can be hidden menu anywhere. must be published)
2- Go module smart search > open "advanced" tab. find the line "Set ItemID" and assign the smart search menu item. So it will work on homepage too :))
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