Internet Explorer Issue with all the templates

Support help forum dedicated to free and commerical templates for Joomla 3 and 2.5 version.
GK User
Mon Nov 05, 2012 12:15 am
I just realized and important issue with all of the 2012 templates.
If you check your demo pages ( in Internet Explorer 9 or 8 Compatibility view (if the "display website in compatibility mode" is checked in the compatibility option the whole website is just falling apart completely. Half of the users are using IE in compatibility mode.

And this is not just a few templates. ALL of your 2012 templates are braking apart completely in IE 9 or 8 if the compatibility view is on.

Can you tell me a solution for this issue?

Thank you very much I would really appreciate your help and recommendation here!
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Mon Nov 05, 2012 10:21 am

First of all please provide me a statistics which tells that half of the users are using IE in the compatibility mode ;)

Secondly - you can programmaticaly disable IE compatibility mode using this metatag in your head section:

Code: Select all
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

You can place this metatag in the head section on layouts/default.php file.
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GK User
Mon Nov 05, 2012 8:26 pm
Thank you!
I didn't mean that actually half of the users use IE in compatibility mode, I know that is not the case, and I do apologize to even bring this up. I just use this to describe what happens when you launch a new test page. That is how you feel. We just did it 2 days ago and I received 4 emails from users saying that: the site is broken apart in IE. There are always situations like this, some people just accidentally hit that compatibility stuff and forget about it and run into a bunch of stuff like this. But they still potential buyers, users, etc. even if they don't know what they are doing. And to avoid this is just a simple code to add to the defult.php then I just don't know why you guys didn't do that by default?

Thank you for your help! It solved the issue!
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:26 pm
As I know this code was added to the latest update released today ;)
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GK User
Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:54 pm
Wow! Great! thanks!
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Fresh Boarder
