Can someone please explain to me how layout overrides work?

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GK User
Thu May 10, 2012 6:29 pm
If it makes a difference I'm using the AppsPro Tech template for J2.5, but I assume the template settings work the same for all current templates.

I need to apply different CSS overrides to the homepage and since page classes aren't applied to the body tag, I figured I'd use the "Custom CSS Code" box in the template and assign that template setting to the homepage.

Under "Basic Settings" there's a section to load/save configuration. I made a new configuration, but when I select it and hit "load," it says "Configuration successfully loaded and saved" but there is no indication as to which configuration I've currently got loaded, so that's pretty confusing. Unless it's supposed to show the current configuration in the dropdown, in which case it might be a bug where I'm stuck on default.json...

I've tried adding the homepage's ItemID under "Layout Overrides" and hitting "add rule," but I can't get it to add the rule to my new configuration. It's either only adding it to default.json, or its adding it to all of them, or none of them... Hard to tell since it doesn't show me which configuration I'm on.

I just have no idea whats going on.

Which order do I have to do all this to accomplish what Im trying to do? Add the layout override ItemID, then create & save a new configuration? I've been messing around with it and I can find no rhyme or reason for anything that happens. Is it buggy or is it supposed to work this way?
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GK User
Fri May 11, 2012 2:00 am

I have just replied another user having the same concern at ... 16381.html

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