Open In New Window Without Browser Navigation

Best Joomla template designed for music based websites discussion forum.
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Sun Aug 01, 2010 2:39 am
This is a standard option in Joomla! templates, but for some reason in 'MusicTop' (and maybe other GavickPro templates) the option to 'Open an Article in a New Window without Browser Navigation' is not available. The result is the same as 'Open A Window With Browser Navigation'.

Now that I have uploaded my website to a webhost provider, I am having trouble with the display of my 'PopUpPlayer' and need to 'Open An article in a New Window Without Browser Navigation' and can't do it. I've racked my brains for alternative solutions, but have been unable to come with one. Is it possible for me to change some code to make this option work in 'MusicTop'?

Website now uploaded:

Do you see my problem? I don't want the website title, date, etc. displayed, just the article.

UPDATE: OK, I have now resolved this. After trying different layout options I was able to set the article layout to 'Open in a New Window Without Browser Navigation'. Weird that it wouldn't display as selected before, but all's well that ends well. :)
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