SOLVED: Text is displayed but no text animation

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GK User
Tue Mar 02, 2010 4:55 pm
EDIT: Turns out that mootools was turned off for my template (Alledia Bolt). Enabled Joomla JS via template manager and Highlighter is now working.
Took 4 hours for me to figure this out.

I've read several posts that describe the same situation that I'm having. Unfortunately, there have been no solutions posted. Perhaps I'll be luckier.

My problem:
Module DOES display the correct title and text snippets when Horizontal Stripe is chosen as the Animation Type BUT the text is static - it does not scroll as per your demo (last example in your demo list).
BTW, if I choose anything other than "Horizontal Stripe" - NO text is displayed.

Current settings are:
Animation Type: Horizontal Scroller
Animation Speed: 50
Animation Interval: 100
Stop animation on mouseover: Enabled

Clean template code: Enabled
Use MooTools: Automatic
Use script: Automatic
Use compressed engine: Disabled
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