[SOLVED] Any tuto about animation and transition ?

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Mon May 25, 2009 4:14 pm
Hello all !! I just installed the module and it works fine!! Thanks to the team.
But now, I want to configure animation and transition but I don't get the result I want.
I have setup different anim/transitions combinations, but there are plenty of them possible and I dont understand their "naming" (i.e "Sine.easeInOut") as my english is a bit "scholar". I'm french native. :(

If someone could provide combinations to behave like the website examples, it would be usefull to start my own ones. I particulary like the effect of the 6th example.

These demos are great and I hoped i could find their tutos in the help file...:dry:

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
(Sorry for my english)

I edited this post as I finally resolved my pb. Maybe it could help.
The folowing parmeters gives effects like the number 6th example (on the website demo):
Animation type : Horizontal slide
Animation speed : 800
Animation interval : 5000
Animation transition: Elastic.easeOut
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