Parallax issues

Multipurpose WordPress Theme Forum Support
GK User
Sat May 07, 2016 3:41 pm
Hello. Is any workaround on fixing the parallax effect in the Quark template? It's really choppy. On a clean install (WP/Ecommerce QuickStart) the header image scrolls not smoothly, it's choppy. On a light background it's barely visible, but when you put some more contrast and quality image there the jerky behavior is clearly visible and very annoying. Any solution?
(Safari/Chrome on Mac)

Thank you.
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GK User
Sat May 07, 2016 4:16 pm
Also, the image itself, when screen breakdowns to the mobile view, shrinks to horizontally because of the following rules:

Code: Select all
.entry-header > img,
#gk-header-mod img {
 height: 120% !important;
 max-width: none !important;

Why?? If you have some abstract image it may look OK, but if you have an actual photo it won't...
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Joshua M
Sun May 08, 2016 9:43 pm

Could you please provide me with a URL to your website, either here or via PM (click the “Private Message” text underneath my avatar) so that I may analyze it?
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GK User
Mon May 09, 2016 7:51 am
Dear Joshua,

Here is the link to your demo: ... /index.php ))
Since the header image is very light you might not notice that choppy scroll. Change image to some photo and you'll see a jumping-jerking behavior. Choppiness is visible in Safari (IE not tested).

(A possible fix described here, but needs extra template's fixing manipulations, since this fix requires 'fixed' position to the image)

Moreover, if you shrink-down the viewport and hit reload, image will be skewed. True for mobile phones.
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GK User
Tue May 10, 2016 7:46 pm
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Joshua M
Wed May 11, 2016 10:52 am
Unfortunately I can't see the issue with choppy scrolling (Tested on Safari).

Regarding the header image - do you have any real mobile device where the issue is visible or it's visible only when you are resizing the browser window?
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GK User
Fri May 13, 2016 11:30 am
Suggest images don't work. When click save and publish nothing happens. At source there is an empty src img param Image

So many bugs with this template... Not thoroughly tested at all. It would be a better idea to slice my own template rather than digging this one... I really want to use it, in a right way, using childs for modifications but core files are really buggy ((((
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