Tedious Work

A professionally designed template for photographers and architects
GK User
Fri Jan 02, 2015 8:04 pm

It's really difficult to stay positive using this template, I hope it's just a beginners problem.

The "Image Show GK4" didn't work from the quickstart installation so I reinstalled the module and got it working. I added two pictures and it worked fine but after adding a third no images are shown, i've unpublished the third but still no pictures are being shown.

I read somewhere on your site 15 Minutes up and running with the quickstart :x

My images (.jpg) are roughly 1MB, is this too big?

Sorry if I sound so negative, I just had different expectations.
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GK User
Fri Jan 02, 2015 8:29 pm
to be honest , this is very specific template, so think 2x that you need it, before will be 'too late'.
In general there shouldn't be problem with 3,4 or 5 slide image in theory.
But without access to URL I cannot guess what was wrong.
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GK User
Fri Jan 02, 2015 10:33 pm
Hi Oscar,
I saw the template and bought it immediately, it is perfect to show off photos when it works. I've activated and deactivated slides, used different browsers, deleted the cache but I just can't get the images to come back.

My URL is http://www.macleanphotography.de
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GK User
Sat Jan 03, 2015 12:20 am
Now I feel really bad for spreading negative vibes :oops:

Under the advance tab in the module I activated "Generate Thumbnails" which cau8sed the pictures not to load. I deactivated the thumbnails and now it works.

There have been a couple of hurdles and no doubt more to come but I still love the template
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Sun Jan 04, 2015 10:41 am
Hehe, now I see them "all".
It might be caused by server settings, some of them don't have enabled options which helps php generate thumbnails by our module.
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