Customise issues: Excerpts, single columns, social icons etc

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GK User
Thu Nov 19, 2015 8:01 am
A few things I couldn't find in the documentation. Any help would be appreciated.

1. At the top right, next to the search logo is a circle with a head in it. It links to random posts, and changes depending on what post or archive page I'm on. What is this and how do I edit its function?

2. All my Category and Tag archive pages show two full-width articles and the remaining articles are split into 2 columns. I would like to only show 1 (or maybe 0) full-width entries on these archive pages. I assume this is changed under Amount of One Column Entries. But this setting is not accessible when I am using the Portfolio template. Where can I change it?

3. The Configuration article says if I choose the Frontpage Overlay template, I can change the Excerpt Chars Limit (and choose whether to show excepts or not). But I want to change this Excerpt Chars Limit for my Category and Tag archive pages. Where do I change this setting? (I am using Portfolio template).

4. I don't understand the Menu Locations (in the Customise section) or the "Theme locations" (in Dashboard --> Appearance --> Menu Settings).
I have created a new menu and if I assign it to the location "Main Menu", it appears on the left side of the page. But if I assign it to the location "Footer Menu" or "Social Menu", I can't see it anywhere.

5. I want to add a Facebook link to appear in the Main Menu (on the left side). How do I do this? If my Social Menu includes a Facebook link and I assign "Social Menu" to the location "Main Menu", my main menu disappears but no social icons appear.
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GK User
Thu Nov 19, 2015 9:18 am

Regarding your questions:
1. This circle wiht a head is a link to your login form - which should appear on the right sidebar.

2. Please go to your category, click customize button and in the Frontpage section you should see "Amount of one column entries" option, change it to "1"

3. Excerpt length may be changed by adding the filter to your functions.php file:
Code: Select all
function custom_excerpt_length( $length ) {
   return 20;
add_filter( 'excerpt_length', 'custom_excerpt_length', 999 );

4. Social menu is visible next to the search filed (top right corner), but you have to add proper styles to menu items. Please check this part of the documentation: ... cial-icons
Footer menu is visible only on the right sidebar at the bottom.

5. Main menu is not adjusted to use social icons, in this case you'll have to use a plugin like this one:
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GK User
Thu Nov 19, 2015 10:41 am
Thanks Piotr.
1, 2 and 5 all good now.

3. I added this code to functions.php (exactly as it was written), but still not sure what section of customise I need to go to change the length or switch excerpts on/off.
4. I add the Facebook URL as a Custom Link in Appearance --> Menus, but when I go and click on the down arrow to expand the item's options, the only things there are URL and Navigation Label. There is no CSS-Class field where I can enter a value.
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GK User
Thu Nov 19, 2015 10:53 am
For 3. Maybe I added the code to the wrong part of functions.php?
Should it be inside one of the "if" statements, or at the very beginning, or at the very end of the file?
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GK User
Thu Nov 19, 2015 11:39 am
Try to add the function at the end of functions.php file (not inside any if condition). and excerpt length will be changed to this value: "return 20;" (it's recommended to use child theme instead of parent theme modifications)

Regarding the Custom CSS class from social menu, please check the documentation again: ... cial-icons
and on the yellow background you should see a tip how to enable CSS Classes option.
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GK User
Sat Nov 21, 2015 12:39 pm
Thanks Piotr - all good now!
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