Plugin translation

Steak House, food and drink theme, is now available on support forum.
GK User
Sat Apr 16, 2016 7:59 am

On the Steakhouse theme front page, at the section Events & Blog there is the GK News Show Pro plugin to display the news in a nice way. At the bottom there is a button named "Find more news" which I need to translate.

I went to /wp-content/plugins/gk-nsp/languages and found gk-nsp.pot. Opened Poedit and clicked on File > New from POT/PO file... and opened gk-nsp.pot, but there is no string "Find more news" in that file.

What should I do to translate the "Find more news" button?
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Junior Boarder

Joshua M
Mon Apr 18, 2016 10:47 pm

Please check the following thread: ... news-40460
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