Anyone know what the default fonts are for this ?

December '13 Joomla Template
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GK User
Sat Jul 23, 2016 5:42 pm
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I setup SSL and it messed up my fonts. I have since corrected the google fonts link to be secure. But not sure if the fonts I have are the correct ones. If someone can let me know the proper default google fonts for this template that would be great !

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Fri Jul 29, 2016 10:35 am
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The names of google fonts used are: Montserrat and Bitter. Here classes to know what css selector is affected:

Code: Select all
body button, button, .button, input.button, span.button, button.button, div.button, input[type="submit"], input[type="button"], .pagenav-prev a, .pagenav-next a, .readon, #gkMainbody .itemReadMore, #gkMainbody .readmore > a, .button.invert:active, .button.invert:focus, .button.invert:hover, #gkLogo.text, .box.bigtitle .header, .box .header, .gkTabsWrap ol li, #gkLogin, .gkMenu > ul li div.childcontent .header, .gkIsWrapper-gk_game figcaption h2, .gkIsWrapper-gk_game figcaption p, .gkNspPM-Highlights + a, #gkHeader h1, #gkHeader h2, .readon, #article-index h3, .gkPopupWrap h3, .blog-login-head {
    font-family: "Montserrat",Arial,sans-serif;
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, .result-title, #gkMenuOverlayHeader, #gkMenuOverlayContent, .gkNspPM-Highlights li::before, .readon, .calendarCurrentMonth, .gkBlockTextLeft, .gkBlockTextRight, .gkBlockTextCenter, #ezblog-section, #ezblog-body .profile-brief .active-bloggers a, #ezblog-label, #eblog-wrapper #section-author .author-info .author-name a {
    font-family: "Bitter",Arial,sans-serif;
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