Homepage layout missing widgets

eCommerce WordPress theme to create online shop with WooCommerce support
GK User
Wed Oct 19, 2016 11:05 am

I deleted a few posts, pages and products (not knowing they were part of the template) and now a lot of my homepage widgets have disappeared including everything in the sidebar and the bestselling products. My site isn't live yet so I have attached a screenshot.

The image show widget was also only showing the preloader for which I have added css to the override.css file to hide it.

Is there a way to reset the template without affecting other pages/posts and customisations I have on the site?
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Joshua M
Thu Oct 20, 2016 8:01 am

I can't see the attachment, unfortunately it will be difficult to help without access to your website.
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GK User
Thu Oct 20, 2016 10:09 am
I've uploaded again. If still can't see it does that mean there is something wrong with attachments functionality in the forums?

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Joshua M
Fri Oct 21, 2016 7:57 am
The frontpage of Instyle theme is based on widgets, so please check your Sidebar widgets, make sure that Widget Rules are assigned properly:
https://www.gavick.com/documentation/wo ... dget-rules

If you want to restore theme, you have to install the quickstart package again or configure all widgets.
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GK User
Fri Oct 21, 2016 10:32 am
The widgets are correctly assigned. Ive not edited any of these. Like I said the only changes I made was deleting a bunch of example posts, pages and products. Why would this affect the widgets?

I've imported/created a lot of content and don't want to have to re-install and do everything again from scratch. Is there no other way to reset just the template?
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Fresh Boarder

Joshua M
Mon Oct 24, 2016 9:03 am
Some widgets display posts or pages on the frontpage - you've removed them, so maybe that's the reason of your issue, please check your widgets i.e. News Show Pro "data source" configuration. I can't provide more help without access to your website.
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