Changing On Search Button?

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GK User
Thu Oct 24, 2013 12:43 am

Loving your new Cloudhost theme..

Question for you would I go about changing the Search button to go to a page on my affiliate program?

Meaning... I am a reseller of hosting...and if you check out this page: search for a works. but if you go to my site that where I'm using your Cloudhost theme and try and search for a won't complete the search? is my site: and try to search for a domain doesn't complete the search? Can you tell me what I would need to do..or what I put in the widget that would allow anyone that tries to search for a domain name on my site to be able to find a domain or to see if a domain is taken?

Hopefully i'm explaining myself well enough.

Thank you,
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Thu Oct 24, 2013 6:27 am
Hi, yes I understand your question.
I've found this plugin:
after 5 seconds of searching ...
so probably you will find more results. ;)

#2 Or you can hire developer which use reseller API to build it's own plugin.
#3 Or maybe on domain reseller page you will find code (PHP/HTML) to embed - who knows.
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