Can I edit the link and/or put my own in?

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GK User
Sat Apr 04, 2009 4:10 pm
Hi all...

Is it possible to edit the link of the text bar?
Or even better can I put my own link into the textbar?
I have tried it with this code but no luck.
Code: Select all
Onze agenda is weer up to date en bijgewerkt tot de vakantie.<a href="index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3:agenda&catid=1:home&Itemid=5">lees Meer</a>

The read more link ("Lees Meer" in Dutch)does not function.

I found this this toppic but these lines I cant find in helper.php


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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Fri Apr 17, 2009 4:14 pm
I have the same problem.. Does anyone know how to work around this issue?
I would like to put external or perhaps internal links on this module..

its great by the way.
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Wed May 27, 2009 4:53 pm
I have two issues - they are very similar but I suspect that the resolutions may be different. Here goes...

1. Internal Links...

I have created a section (Hilighter) with several categories (Tips, Appointments, Vaccinations, Pharmacies, etc.) and then created a series of documents that are merely a single line of text with a link eg.

"Click Here to check our Public Holiday opening hours"
"You can now book your vaccinations online - click here for more information"

The idea here is to have Hilighter show a rolling list of topics with links to the full texts.

The problem is that I do not want to use the original pages within Highlighter as they are in many different sections and categories and some of the links I need to use lead to bookmarks that are part of the way down larger pages of information, also, many of the documents cannot be used in Hilighter as they are images or tabular information with no intro text.

What I was trying to avoid by using this method was having to replicate revise or recreate pages or having to rebuild my Section/Category structure so that Highlighter can display targeted links.

So... the first question is...

Is it possible to enable embedded links and if so - how do you do it?

2. External Links...

I use the Joomla "Web Links" functionality and would like to be able to access the links via HighLighter...

I have a number of categories, each relating to different medical conditions such as "Asthma", "Diabetes", "Epilepsy"... each of these categories lists external organisations that specialise in their respective fields.

Being able to use HighLighter to show these links would allow me to have multiple copies of the module show different 'sets' of links for specific conditions on different pages as well as by condition on our library page.

So... Question two is...

Can Web Links categories be used and if so - how do you do it?

Maybe these applications are beyond the functional remit of Highlighter, if so, does anyone have any suggestions as to alternatives?
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Wed May 27, 2009 5:53 pm

I have found a solution to question 1
(I should have noted that I am using 1.5.10 so the previous answer at gave me a clue, but that resolution is applicable to 1.0.x only)

So if you are using Joomla 1.5.x
Open the file "modules/mod_gk_news_highlighter/helper.php"

Find the following line (should be around 176 - if you are having difficulties just search for "strip", there are only two occurences in the file and both are in the line you need to replace)...

"$content[$i] .= '<span class="gk_news_highlighter_desc">'.JString:: substr(strip_tags($this->textTab[$i]), 0, $this->config['desc_length']).''.((JString:: strlen(strip_tags($this->textTab[$i])) > $this->config['desc_length']) ? '...' : '' ) . '</span>';"

and replaced it with the following...

"$content[$i] .= '<span class="gk_news_highlighter_desc">'.JString:: substr(($this->textTab[$i]), 0, $this->config['desc_length']).''.((JString:: strlen(($this->textTab[$i])) > $this->config['desc_length']) ? '...' : '' ) . '</span>';"

So what I did was remove "strip_tags" from both JString s This seems to have worked for me...

NOTE: I had to add some spaces to the above code snippets to stop the editor fouling the code with emoticons... make your edits manually rather than cutting and pasting the code above - or you may get errors!

Upwards and onwards... now all I need to do is find a way to use my Web Links as a Section/category...
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Wed May 27, 2009 7:05 pm
Here's just a little thing that I noticed...

If your link is something like...

If you want more information click here

... you may get an annoying underscore character appearing directly below the Highlighter module.
To get around this rewrite your link to something like this...

Click here if you want more information.

... and then it seems to work fine.

I suppose what is happening is the /> closing tag is confusing things somewhere but if the end of the string is not a closing tag it all seems to work fine.

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Fresh Boarder
