Newshighlighter stops after tabmods tabmanager gro

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GK User
Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:43 pm

I love Gavick extensions for Joomla, but I am having a problem now, which started with an attempt I made to improve tabs with videos, using tabmods_gk2.
I uninstalled Newshighlighter and tabsmanager and installed again newshighlighter (the last version of 2009-02-28).

Joomla! error_log file is showing this error message
[02-Mar-2009 06:56:33] PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/formula/public_html/ama/modules/mod_tabmods_gk2/helper.php on line 80

but I have now TabsManager - and also tabmods - unistalled in this Joomla! installation.
Why that message?

My site is using Joomla 1.5.9 in Apache 2.0.63 PHP 5.2.5 MySQL 5.0.67 community log, OS Linux. Joomla! installation is working in a sub-domain. I have installed several browsers, but the error is when I load the page in Firefox. When I click on a NewsHighlighter arrow (empty line after it) I can see error page bellow.

What happened is described bellow.


Last Friday I had NewsHighlighter GK1 and Tabsmanager GK2 ok and running perfectly.
The same for Photoslide GK2 but no problems with it.
Then, I had Tabsmanager GK2 with a group in TabsArts GK2 plugin (with 4 tabs with articles, the last one with an image in first place, left).
Highlighter was showing a Section > Category with a colletion of several articles (+-50). When clicking each of the links, Highlight showed the article in bellow.
All as expected; and I emphasize, nothing after the end of each article in the bottom of the page.
Then I decided to implement Tabsmanager with some videos and created a group, with Tab Mods GK2 plugin, named Videos, and three tabs, named Video 01, Video 02 and Video 03 inside. Created three articles, in each of it I placed a YouTube video using loadposition and AllVideos extension.
I did something wrong, of course, because Highlighter stoped working and Tabsmanager Videos group did not work. When rebooting Joomla, error_log showed two fatal errors and some warning errors; the start page of the site did not show. I uninstalled TabsManager and the fatal errors desapeared and the page is now showing.

Now I can see in every Sections > Categories, and/or bellow each article I select, a >Videos, (something as another Category), and bellow it, the two arrow icons one to the left and one to the right, as if tabsmanager Tab Mods GK2 was active, but I uninstalled it, after deleting Videos group and the respective tabs; and also the three articles with videos embeded.
The same >Videos is still there, bellow whatever is presented in every page of my site.
In phpMyAdmin I verified Sections and Categories tables, and there is nothing named Videos; but I saw in Contents table that there still were three deleted articles Videos 01, 02 and 03, with state indication -2. I deleted them in phpMyAdmin.
The >Videos and the two arrows are presented bellow everything I select in the site, and cannot get both extensions to work again, when reinstalled.
Tabsmanager reinstalled is now working with TabArts GK2 with a group same name as before, and 4 tabs same names and the first two, with same articles.
The third and the fourth tabs have now other articles, and the fourth tab has an article which do not have images.
But when I select that tab, I can see an empty frame positioned in the same place the older fourth tab (I deleted) had.
I ask your help to solve this.
Now I reinstalled tabsmanager, and it is working ok.
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