Scrolling speed problem and other issues

Discussion about free Joomla news rotator/ticker with multiple effects like scrolling, fading and several data sources supported.
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Fri Feb 27, 2009 5:33 am
Page is still work in progress:

1.) As you can see the scrolling speed (2nd, 3rd and 4th scrollers) slows down automatically when the text reaches his final part. How can I get it to remain constant?

2.) How come that the text reloads only when all the other scrollers have ended displaying the respective text? Since I gave them different ID's shouldn't they work by themselfs? As of now, they are related one to another. Just look at the empty 2nd and 3rd scroller which are waiting for the 4th to end his display... and then it takes ages to restart the scroll again, even after the 4th scroller has ended his duty.

Anyone can help me, please? :(
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