Language switcher and MySQL error questions

January 2013 Joomla Template
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Wed Feb 25, 2015 4:56 pm
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I've been trying everything that I could think of and also the 2 options on that page ( ... e-switcher) to have the language switcher at the top right, next to the login button or at least below. Nothing worked, the best I could manage is to show an empty drop-down (my goal was to have the text options) below the the login button in the first position of the inset. By the way, even having it in the lang position doesn't work.

My site English and French, almost everything is or will be translated. I need the language switcher in the Magazine template.
I'm desperate, could someone please help me fix this?

Also, could it be that the template makes the website very, very slow, accessing anything in the admin section takes ages and sometimes even times out, plus the pages the website also are very slow to load. Lately I also have lost of MySQL error, in the admin part as well as on the website (Error displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Error: Could not connect to MySQL. OR Error displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Error: Unknown storage engine 'InnoDB' SQL=DELETE FROM `ckn_session` WHERE `time` < '1424875379'). Any idea where they comes from?

I'm using the Magazine template but just the template, as I didn't want K2.

Also, I'm not sure how to make facebook, twitter, pinterest and the search icons appear on the left. I'd love some help here too.

Thanks a lot in advance for your support, I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

PS: the website is currently, it will be moved to when it's ready.
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Fri Feb 27, 2015 11:32 am
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Hello again,

I thought I would get support here (after all I've paid for this too), is anyone around?

I have some more questions, it looks like a bug too:

I liked the original template logo of Magazine, is there a way to make my logo switch colors like it?
Otherwise, is there a way to remove the little switch of color that comes up at the top of the logo when I mouse-over it? Looks like a template bug (look at the attached image to see that and the empty drop-down language switcher, though all the parameters are fine).
gavick template bugs.png

If there's no way to fix the language switcher, I could just add a custom html module as language switcher... But then, what would be the code to use to tell Joomla I want to switch the language? I know html but not php...

I'm looking forward to the support, thanks in advance, sincerely,
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Fresh Boarder

Fri Feb 27, 2015 4:08 pm
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For start please send me an access to joomla panel. I suspect that languages was not added to content.

Template has nothing to do with administrator panel. So if joomla panel is slow than it has to be something else. I'll check it as well.

Logo background is just a part of template, You can remove it by adding this code to override.css and enabling using override in template configuration:

Code: Select all
#gkLogo:hover {
    background-color: transparent;
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Fri Feb 27, 2015 6:02 pm
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Hi teitbite,
Thanks for your reply, I've just sent you an email with the access I've created for you.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
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Fresh Boarder

Fri Feb 27, 2015 6:22 pm
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You have forgot to create default elements for each language in menu. Look at point 3). in instruction: ... joomla-1-7

I've added the code to hide backaground on hover to template configuration.
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Sun Mar 01, 2015 6:52 pm
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teitbite wrote:You have forgot to create default elements for each language in menu. Look at point 3). in instruction: ... joomla-1-7

I've added the code to hide backaground on hover to template configuration.

Hello teitbite,

Thank you so much for the language menus, I hadn't found that documentation page (also it's still under joomla 1.7), I'm sorry, I really thought I had looked at all the documentation.

Thanks also for the logo help.
:?: Will I have to do this myself next time there's a template update or does it stay like that for good?

Now the language switch works :), so I put it back in the login section, but it shows inside the login popup and not beside it.
:?: Is there a way to show it beside the Login button? I shouldn't be using the Register button.
Even when I disable the Login button, it shows up and the language switcher is still inside.

:?: I also would like to know how to make facebook, twitter, instagram, pinterest and the search icons appear on the left. I'd love some help here too. I couldn't find a way.

Sorry for all the questions, I've used Joomla before, intensively at version 1.5, but haven't much since and also it's my first time using the Gavick templates... And I'm going to use more of them since I bought them all.

Again thanks for your support, I'm very grateful for what you've done and I'm looking forward to your reply.

PS: I've asked my hosting support about the SQL errors and the overall slowness, they haven't gotten back to me about that yet
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Fresh Boarder

Thu Mar 05, 2015 12:01 pm
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Sorry for delay. I lost my computer and could not work for the last coupld of days.

Any changes, like the one with logo, should be placed in override.css file, this way when You will have to update template You just need to remember to make a backup of this file and overwrite it back when update will be finished.

Try using a different module position. Here is a map of available ... -positions (darker boxes means that it's a static template element not a module position).

Please simply create a Custom HTML module and put this code into it:

Code: Select all
<p><a class="gkTwitter" href="#">Twitter</a><a class="gkFb" href="#">Facebook</a><a class="gkPinterest" href="#">Pinterest</a><a class="gkGplus" href="#">Google+</a></p>

than replace # with links and publish this module in "social" module position.
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Fri Jul 17, 2015 7:40 pm
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I know it's been a while, but I've only gone back to trying stuff and finally moved the website to its final address (

I created the Custom HTML module and added it in the Social position, it works fine, thanks a lot. However, I've added Instagram instead of Google+ and there is no Instagram logo appearing. How do I get it?

I have not upgraded the template since last time because I'm afraid to loose the modification you made and I don't know how to setup an override.css file. Is there a tutorial for that?

Hopefully someone will see this, I hope this thread isn't too old to be updated.
Thanks a lot in advance for your support, sincerely,
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Fresh Boarder

Sat Jul 18, 2015 11:00 am
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No tutorial for override.css. Just put all code to change css there and have it enabled in template settings. That's all. During template update You will only have to keep this one file from being overwritten and put it back in it's place when template will be updated.

There is no instagram icon. You will have to "gkGplus" class again and than replace the logo og G+ in image ... /icons.png (in rest_files package for this template You will find a psd to replace it in photoshop easily).
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