Home page is not displaying - K2 empty categories

GK User
Fri Feb 08, 2013 2:32 pm
Hello I have installed TWN II quickstart for Joomla 3.x and I have created all my menus, give each menu item their links, k2 categories and changed all news show pro gk4 modules to display articles from k2 categories only. yet my homepage is not displayed, there is a continuous error page which says
Code: Select all
SQL=SELECT content.id AS ID, cats.name AS cat_name, cats.alias AS cat_alias, content.catid AS cat_id, users.name AS author, users.email AS author_email, users.id AS author_id, content_rating.rating_sum AS rating_sum, content_rating.rating_count AS rating_count    FROM yehxd_k2_items AS content LEFT JOIN yehxd_k2_categories AS cats ON cats.id = content.catid LEFT JOIN yehxd_users AS users ON users.id = content.created_by LEFT JOIN yehxd_k2_rating AS content_rating ON content.id = content_rating.itemID WHERE ORDER BY content.created DESC

How can I solve this problem? there is some empty categories on k2 but we plan to add articles to those categories soon. Is the problem happening because of empty k2 categories???

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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Sat Feb 09, 2013 11:42 am

First of all please try to upgrade the NSP module for J!3.0 to the newest version (3.3.7).
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GK User
Sun Feb 10, 2013 2:26 am
dziudek wrote:Hi,

First of all please try to upgrade the NSP module for J!3.0 to the newest version (3.3.7).

I have the latest version running on my website. the site is displayed perfectly on other links. the problem is on home page only. My website is in Turkish Language but you can check the website FROM THIS LINK. you will see that everything is fine.
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Mon Feb 11, 2013 7:16 pm
Probably since Joomla! 3.0 changes the empty results from query gives error message, I've tested it and looks like this is the reason. Right now the only solution is to exclude empty categories because checking whether category contains some articles will cause additional query and lower speed.
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