Change / edit the background of the logo

Amazing blog Joomla template for personal website with extensive features, additional typography and nice showcase of featured posts.
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Fri May 01, 2015 1:52 pm
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Hello everyone,

i like the publisher template very much. Today i tried to change the logo from the sources (psd file).
I successfully got the missing font from the web and could change the text too my needs.

My problem is, that the background of the logo doesn't change it's shape to fit the new text.
I don't know if it was made manually or if there is a filter or effect to realize it.

If you use the the original text "Publisher", the biscuit background color of the logo has always the same distance to the text. With my changed text the background still has the shape of the Publisher text.

So, can you help me to solve this little problem?

Kind regards Robert
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Sat May 02, 2015 4:35 am
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As you can see: ... 1/logo.png
This is final PNG and all effects you can see was created in Graphic tool, so maybe ... if you have PSD, disable all layer that you do not need in Photoshop and save as transparent PNG24bit again.
Or just create a complete new logo, unique - using if you want this same font.
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Sun May 03, 2015 12:18 pm
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Hello Oscar,

sure it will result in a png file. That is what i would like to have at the end. And i also know how to do it.

What i don't know is: Was the background drawn manually or was it created with some effects (like filter or something like that)
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Sun May 03, 2015 10:58 pm
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I didn't painted that logo, besides it was long time ago.
In my private project I always ask graphic guy to create me a unique logo I do not use default, I don't want to look like another clone of .... demo.
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