Hompage font coller change

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GK User
Mon Feb 01, 2016 3:55 pm
I have a difficult question :-).
At this moment we are using a customized Fest theme.

At our home page we have used the standard title widget.
Now my question is, can we partially change our title in different colors?

For example, this is our title ‘Hageland Blues & Roots Night’

Now we will change the word ‘Blues’ in blue?
(CMWK: 100% C en RGB: 0% R, 158 % G, 227% B)

And the part ‘& Roots’ in yellow?
(CMWK: 10% C, 20%M, 100% Y, 0% K en RGB: 235% R, 196% G, 0% B)


Is this possible?


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Fresh Boarder

Joshua M
Tue Feb 02, 2016 9:06 am

Try to use the following plugin:

and add i.e. span tags with classess to your widget title:
HAGELAND[span class="blue"]BLUES[/span][span class="orange"]& ROOTS[/span]
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GK User
Tue Feb 02, 2016 10:21 am
Hi Joshua,

Tanks for the tip.
I have installed and activated this plugin but under the 'plugins' menu I don't see the 'editor' function.
Any idea?

I run WP 4.4.1


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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Tue Feb 02, 2016 10:22 am
Hi Joshua,

Tanks for the tip.
I have installed and activated this plugin but under the 'plugins' menu I don't see the 'editor' function.
Any idea?

I run WP 4.4.1


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Fresh Boarder

Joshua M
Tue Feb 02, 2016 10:25 am

I don't understand, you don't need editor function, try to activate the plugin and within your widget title add the following text:
Code: Select all
HAGELAND[span class="blue"]BLUES[/span][span class="orange"]& ROOTS[/span]

then you have to add a custom css i.e:
Code: Select all
.blue { color: #yourbluecolor-hex-value; }
.orange { color: #yourorange-hex-value; }
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GK User
Tue Feb 02, 2016 10:36 am
Can you help me with this code?
I changed the css file already.

And this is our Header widget:

<div class="gk-animation loaded" data-height="560">
<div class="gk-animation-wrap">
<h2>Zaterdag 16 april 2016</h2>
<h1>Hageland Blues & Roots Night</h1>
<div class="gk-guitar" data-start="{'right': '+0px'}" data-end="{'right': 0}" >Guitar</div>
<div class="gk-stars" data-start="{'opacity':1}" data-end="{'opacity':1}" data-delay="100" data-time="2">* * * * * * * *</div>
<div class="gk-jscounter" data-dateend="16-4-2016" data-timeend="17:00" data-timezone="+2">Counting finished!</div>
<div class="gk-stars" data-start="{'opacity':0}" data-end="{'opacity':1}" data-delay="2" data-time="2">* * * * * * * *</div>

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Fresh Boarder

Joshua M
Wed Feb 03, 2016 9:12 am
You've written, that you want to change the widget title - if the code is inside the Text widget, the plugin is not necessary.
Try to replace this line:
Code: Select all
<h1>Hageland Blues & Roots Night</h1>

Code: Select all
<h1>Hageland <span class="blue">Blues</span> <span class="orange">& Roots</span> Night</h1>
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GK User
Wed Feb 03, 2016 10:15 am
Thanks Joshua,

Works fine :-)
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