Changing color themes

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GK User
Wed May 20, 2015 2:12 pm
Dear Sir

FEST has three built-in color themes. Is there an easy way to change the colors of the themes to make a custom theme?

I would guess that entering suitable overrides in override.css would be the way to go about it, but it is not very easy to see which classes and properties need to be changed to accomplish this. Ideally only a few constants should be changed for the global change to happen.

Regarding override.css: I have enabled the override.css option in the advanced FEST tab and tried a few sample changes suggested on this site but I cannot detect any changes in the site. Is there some simple test I can perform to ensure that it is working correctly (a code snippet I can insert in override.css that will trigger a very noticable change in the website).

The site is:

Thanks for any help, Rolf
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Thu May 21, 2015 8:10 am

Override.css file is not loaded on your website, you can check the source code of your page or inspect it using Firebug or Google Dev Tools, for you custom css you can also use easier solution - custom css plugin, i.e. this one described here: ... ress-theme

Regarding the custom colors, 3 color schemes are added to Fest/css/style1.css, style2. and style3.css files, so you can edit i.e. style1.css file, copy all css selectors, change the color values to your own and paste the code into override.css file or custom css plugin view.
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GK User
Tue Jan 05, 2016 7:33 pm
This thread seems to be good to ask additional question.

Let's say I have made an additional color scheme named style4.css. How do I quickly import it to the theme options(to make it visible in drop-down list)?
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Fresh Boarder

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Wed Jan 06, 2016 9:53 pm
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