Custom menus for older themes?

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GK User
Wed Sep 24, 2014 11:42 am
Hi folks,

Thanks again for all the great work.

In themes the age of "University" and "Storefront" and older, on menus for narrow viewports you used to let the native device's menu take over on tablets and mobile. Now in the newer themes you use custom menus which I greatly prefer (and had written about requesting 18 months ago).

What is the most straightforward way to apply these newer (and more tame-able and aesthetically pleasing) custom menu styles to the older themes?

I would certainly love to see an option to use "native menu" or "custom menu" added to the older themes retroactively in updates, but short of that what could I do to get the mobile/tablet menus from say "Portfolio" or "Steakhouse" coded into, say, "News 2" or "StoreBox"?

Thank you for any help -- I just have more and more clients asking for "designed" mobile/tablet menus especially with the way Apple keeps changing the design of the default native browser menus available in iOS.

Thank you so much,
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Wed Sep 24, 2014 12:59 pm

We are going to recode some of our old themes into the new version (without a framework and with this kind of mobile/tablet menu like in the Steakhouse and options moved to theme customizer).
Generally if you want to change the menu now - it requires a lot of work (change theme structure, prepare css for the menu and js code). You have to compare files, e.g. in the Steakhouse js code for the menu is placed in the functions.js file, css code in style.css file - #aside-menu selector, check also header.php, footer.php, mobile.css, tablet.css files).

Maybe i'll prepare some tutorial or post on our blog about the necessary changes when I find some free time.
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GK User
Fri Sep 26, 2014 1:06 am

Thanks -- I didn't think it would be easy.

I truly appreciate that you are going to recode some old themes. Where is the #1 place to check for announcement such as that when it comes?

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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Fri Sep 26, 2014 8:13 am

The CloudHost is first and next week will be ready to release, the next one will be probably the StoreFront theme.
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