mobile menu doesn't work

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GK User
Wed Apr 16, 2014 11:23 am
Theme: MeetGavernWP

I decided to try out the Gavern WP framework because of a particular plugin only available in WP for woocommerce and ended up using it on a client site. All went according to plan except the mobile menu when viewed on iPhone doesn't display a menu. Icon appears, but not active. Site should have gone live this week, but can't go live until it's fixed. So to fix this I've subscribed as WP member - been a Joomla member for a few years.

Do I have to setup a special mobile only menu? I read the following but it makes no sense, as I don't know where to set up a special mobile menu in either WP or MeetGaverWP settings.

I read this in the forum, but it makes no sense to me.
[forum post]
- in the case of a main menu, it is very useful to create a duplicate in a mobile version so that when displayed on a website viewed on mobile devices that menu will be adjusted to mobile devices.
- in the case of a main menu, you have to use a special class derived from the Walker: GKMenuWalker class; however, for a mobile menu, you must use GKMenuWalkerMobile class. Thanks to this, the appropriate menu structure will be generated.

CSS code connected with the menu is stored in the css/wp.css and css/mobile.css files.
[/forum post]

Surely it's a straightforward issue to solve? can someone point me in the right direction please?
Your assistance is much appreciated.
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GK User
Wed Apr 16, 2014 7:44 pm

Your website is not available, so I can't check it exaclty. Regarding your problem, I've checked the latest version of MeetGavernWP on Iphone - iOS 6.0 and 7.0 and don't see any problem with the mobile menu.

I don't understand, did you add an issue connected with this problem somewhere (e.g. on the Github repository?). There's no need to setup menu for mobile devices, your main menu (top) is changed automatically into mobile version when you are using mobile devices.

If you can, send me a PM with backend access to your website, then I'll be able to check your problem exactly.
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Mon Apr 21, 2014 5:17 am
Thanks Piotr.
I found the issue. In the process of adding section at the top of the footer.php I had removed unnecessary items such as styeswitcher and templatefooterlogo however I also removed
<?php do_action('gavernwp_footer'); ?>

<?php wp_footer(); ?>

as well. I don't know why but without them the top menu doesn't support the Awesome font icons, nor does the top menu work correctly for mobiles.

So there we go.... problem solved.

I just need to now figure out where my css code has gone wrong on mobiles, because it seems to put a sidebar even though the sidebar is disabled, so there is a white strip on the right side when viewing in phone size.
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