rel="nofollow" target="_blank"

Free Joomla social activities module which can display data from Twitter, Facebook and Google+ in various layouts.
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GK User
Thu Jul 11, 2013 7:17 pm
How I can set rel="nofollow" target="_blank" for twitter tweets?

I put it already inside in /modules/mod_social_gk5/tmpl/twitterTweets.php

line 75
<a href="<?php echo ''.$this->pData[$i]->url; ?>"rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><?php echo $this->pData[$i]->username; ?></a>

and line 115 -119
<a class="reply" href="<?php echo $this->pData[$i]->id; ?>"rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><?php echo JText::_( 'MOD_SOCIAL_REPLY' ) ?></a>
<a class="retweet" href="<?php echo $this->pData[$i]->id; ?>"rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><?php echo JText::_( 'MOD_SOCIAL_RETWEET' ) ?></a>

But when people tweet like this: SANA MAPANSIN AKO NI @vicegandako TAPOS IGUEST NYA AKO SA GGV. Lol ASSUMING :))))

@vicegandako is a link and I want set all links to rel="nofollow" target="_blank".

Thank you

Here you can test it: (left module position)
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GK User
Thu Jul 11, 2013 8:29 pm
Have you read this:
Now you have those Reply & Retweet links in new window

But It's all you can do, rest dependent on Twitter, our module use only API we can not change main code, and new popup window is from Twitter!
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GK User
Thu Jul 11, 2013 8:31 pm
You can try to search here:
but I'm not sure it will help. Twitter don't like when people try to change too much.
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GK User
Thu Jul 11, 2013 9:08 pm
thanks for your answer. I let it how it is now. Username / reply / retweet in a new window and the rest in the same. I ´ll see the seo effect.
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