Center Logo?

Responsive Joomla template for Entertainment and Music purpose with clean and lightweight design.
GK User
Thu Jun 11, 2015 10:39 pm
Hello I would like to center the logo on this site all the time.

Any help is appreciated.



Michael K.
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GK User
Fri Jun 12, 2015 4:54 pm
sure... for desktop try this:
Code: Select all
#gkHeaderNav #gkLogo {left: 36%;}

and extra line for mobile
@media (max-width: 480px) {
#gkHeaderNav #gkLogo {left: 10%;}

but in general use used too big IMG for logo.
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GK User
Tue Jun 16, 2015 6:21 am
Oscar E wrote:Hi,
sure... for desktop try this:
Code: Select all
#gkHeaderNav #gkLogo {left: 36%;}

and extra line for mobile
@media (max-width: 480px) {
#gkHeaderNav #gkLogo {left: 10%;}

but in general use used too big IMG for logo.

Okay, so I used you above coding and it really does not center it well on all devices. Is there any type of code that can center it automatically on any screen size?

I understand that I will have to adjust the logo size on certain screen sizes.
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GK User
Tue Jun 16, 2015 5:56 pm
In theory it's possible but it's so many style added that you have to override them all,
or edit a little bit a template code area where logo is.
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GK User
Tue Jun 16, 2015 6:13 pm
Upsss... I think I have a way.
#gkMenuWrap {
left: 0;
margin: 0 auto;
right: 0;
width: 390px;

#gkHeader {
background: #222 none repeat scroll 0 0;
width: 100%;

Maybe it's not perfect, but it's good start for your project. Now it's your turn.
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GK User
Fri Jul 10, 2015 10:03 pm
Oscar E wrote:Upsss... I think I have a way.
#gkMenuWrap {
left: 0;
margin: 0 auto;
right: 0;
width: 390px;

#gkHeader {
background: #222 none repeat scroll 0 0;
width: 100%;

Maybe it's not perfect, but it's good start for your project. Now it's your turn.

Okay, so after a lot of tinkering, I still can't seem to get it perfectly centered, and my client notices it right away, I've stripped all of the centering code, that we had in there for the mean time.

Here is a site that I did and I was able to get the logo centered no matter what the screen size is.

Is there not anyway to achieve the same results on this template?

Thanks for your help so far, but more would be greatly appreciated.
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