Change the banner

GK User
Wed Mar 23, 2011 6:12 pm

I don"t find this banner ?
Can you tell me where your install it ?


Capture dcran 2011-03-23 19.11.31.png
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Gold Boarder

GK User
Wed May 25, 2011 1:53 am
I would also like to know that..

Also, how do I add the module below it, where the "SIGN UP FREE" button belongs?
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Fresh Boarder

Konrad M
Wed May 25, 2011 5:54 am
It is mod_custom in top1 position and it called Frontpage - demo content.
karlpers you want add it to right column or left or middle?
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GK User
Thu May 26, 2011 1:46 am
Oh, I fount it out by viewing the source of the template´s demo. (I didnt install the demo content)

So, for enyone else who is facing the same question:

To add the banner which originally was asked for, follow these steps:

1. Go to your module manager
2. Click on the "New"-icon
3. Select the type "Custom HTML"
3. Name it as you wish
4. Disable displaying the title
5. Set the position as top1
5. Set the module class suffix as " light3 demoFront1" (dont forget the space in the beginning)
6. Go down to the editor, change to Toggle editor, and add the source code to display in the module.

In the demo, the following code is used:

Code: Select all
<h3>Quick & Easy deployment</h3>
<img src="joomla15/dec2010/images/stories/demo/img1.png" border="0" alt="Quick & Easy deployment" />Add your own text and images as you please, and arrange them until you're completely satisfied with your creation.</div>
<h3>Track and analyze your email</h3>
<img src="joomla15/dec2010/images/stories/demo/img2.png" border="0" alt="Track and analyze your email" />Add your own text and images as you please, and arrange them until you're completely satisfied with your creation.</div>
<h3>Manage lists and subscribers</h3>
<img src="joomla15/dec2010/images/stories/demo/img3.png" border="0" alt="Manage lists and subscribers" />Add your own text and images as you please, and arrange them until you're completely satisfied with your creation.</div>


To add the banner which says "sign up for free", follow these steps:

1. Go to your module manager
2. Click on the "New"-icon
3. Select the type "Custom HTML"
3. Name it as you wish
4. Disable displaying the title
5. Set the position as top1
5. Set the module class suffix as " demoFront2" (dont forget the space in the beginning)
6. Go down to the editor, change to Toggle editor, and add the source code to display in the module.

In the demo, the following code is used:

Code: Select all
<h1>Email marketing that is Powerful, Easy and Fun!</h1>
Store up to 1,000 subscribers - Send up to 6,000 emails a month.</div>
<p><a class="buttonGreen" href="#">Sign Up Free!</a></p></div>
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