Page Layouts Overwrite - Can somebody explain please.

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GK User
Mon Dec 06, 2010 5:09 pm
I've read the brief descriptions, but I'm just not getting it. Can somebody please try to explain it to me? :whistle:

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GK User
Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:19 am
Griz made his post 9 months ago and no one has bothered to put up a reply. Geez, I am disappointed as I have the same question.

I have installed another flypage template within my Gavick yourshop template and now the add to cart button and the quantity arrows and field are wrong. They are still carrying the gavick styling instead of the new installed flypage template.

I am thinking that the page layouts overwrite might be the solution to this instead of going in and doing a code hack but am not sure what to put in the field box. The instructions don't really give us much information about how to use this feature and what it is actually about.

Can some one please let me know if this is the solution to my problem and if not, what does this function actually do and how would one use it.


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Fresh Boarder

Mon Oct 03, 2011 6:13 pm

This is a really big question. Please explain what exacly is the problem to narrow the answer. There is an override.css file prepared for css changes, all You need to do is to active it in template settings and You are free to use this file. But there is also a whole vm.css style file for flypage in template which can be easily removed or rename to do not show it's style.
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GK User
Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:15 am
Hi there, i post another topic about The World news II template. ... 14751.html

Maybe can i use Page Layouts Overwrite option to get in top position 2 modules 1 with 750px width, and 1 250px ? see the picture what i mean.

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Fresh Boarder

Tue Mar 13, 2012 4:54 pm

You should be able to achive such look with changing dimentions in template configuration for columns and using module positions "mainbody_top" and "right_top" . Theese positions are just examples. There is many other positions there. Is this what You were looking for or did I misunderstood somethinf again ?
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