Menu not showing

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GK User
Fri May 10, 2013 3:46 pm
Hello, I have a multilanguage site, I've done the same steps I've done with the previous sites I've set but neither one of my menus are showing. I have the template set to english to show on the english content, spanish for the spanish content, and a default for the default menu which is assigned to an unpublished module. I really don´t know what I'm missing cause I have double check each step.

Please help, it's driving me nuts.

Thanks in advance for your help!
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Fresh Boarder

Fri May 10, 2013 4:47 pm

Menu in our templates are a static element so a special approach is needed. Here is an instruction: ... oomla-1-7/

BUT I've found it easier to have just one menu and simply translate menu elements to different languages using Falang component. You should try this solution. It really saves time.
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GK User
Fri May 10, 2013 5:56 pm
I already follow these steps, I've done this before with other templates and works fine. I don't know what's wrong.

About your recomendation, I'll look for that and try it later, but for now I need to find out what I did wrong or what's diferent with this template.

Another question I'm having trouble with, on another page I'm using the template Simplicity, which has some icons at the home page, I have some icons of my own and I'm trying to replace them with no success. Coulld you help me with this too?

Thanks and sorry for buging you with so much questions.
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Fri May 10, 2013 9:21 pm
Actually my problem is not the multilingual content, it's published correctly, my problem is with both of my menus, which are pubished on the "menu1" position. If I change them to another position for example "left_top" they appear. This is driving me crazy (and my problem with the icons from the simplicity template).

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Fresh Boarder

Sat May 11, 2013 6:53 pm

"menu1" position is used in menu subelements, so it's not a regular module position. Please send me an access to joomla panel so I'll check what You have in mind.
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Mon May 13, 2013 9:31 am

Ok. I've seen Your settings and this is all wrong. But I start from this post's question. Default menu is the one called as "mainmenu", so You always need a menu called like that which will be display.

You need 3 menus, so this is correct, but it works a little different than You think. The important menu is "mainmenu" and this should have all menu elements in all languages, so when languae change it will display only half of menu items in a proper language.

2 remaining menus should have just a 1 home element set as default home page for this language. Thats all. Just a dummy menu, to show a language plugin that other languages are applied.

I've done the same mistake couple of times before I learned how it works, so do not worry, it's not logical I know. This is why I prefere using Falang and have just one menu which is translated to other languages than one menu with hundreds of elements in all languages.
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GK User
Mon May 13, 2013 3:34 pm
I'm sorry but now I'm more confused.

First: About the module positions, you tell me menu1 is only for sub elements, but the only menu positions I got are menu1 through menu10, no "mainmenu" position, I've set my other sites on menu1 and they work fine. I'm lost starting from this point.

Second: You are telling me to have exactly 3 menus with the following descriptions.
Main menu, with all items, every item set to "all" languages.
Menu 1 with one element as default for one of the languages, in this case english.
Menu 2 with one element as default for the other language, in this case spanish.

If that's what your telling me, I did that but it's not working yet, and why it didn´t happened with my other sites?

What I had read before was that I had to have a main menu with 1 item set as default home page and "all" languages. One menu for english with my english content and another menu set to spanish with my spanish content. That work for me with Joomla 3.0 but with Joomla 2.5 I had to have one main menu unpublished and another menu with all content, each set to it's respective language.

I will send you in a private message the address of another site I have to show you how I have it set up. It's working fine.
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Fresh Boarder

Tue May 14, 2013 3:37 pm

Have You made this other sites with Gavick templates too ?

Our templates are a little bit different than other clubs. We do not provide menu as a module placed in a module position but as a static element. So it has to be manage differently.

I know it's not the simpliest solution, this is why I prefere using Falang and translate menu elements rather than doing it according to the instruction from documentation article I've shown You in my first post here.

Please send me this access to one of the sites You've mentioned. I'll see if we are talking about the same thing.
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GK User
Tue May 14, 2013 4:43 pm
Yes, they were made with Gavik Templates. Yesterday I send you a link to access the web page on a private message. I'll send it again.

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Fresh Boarder

Wed May 15, 2013 11:03 am

I've seen Your other site and see You have used a 3rd possible method with additional template styles. This is a good solution too. Which means that what is not working is a language recognition during the first visit. So a style attached to all is being used. This may be because of an ID of style or come conflict with language selection plugin. I would need to see this broken site again, because now I know where to look for a solution.
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